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Getting up, I shook my hand with Mr Kang. "I'll look forward to work with you"

With a smile and nod he left the place as I turned towards Jack waiting for him to say.

"The deal with Mr Kang was already final, why did you do it again?" he asked with a frown.

"it was just a confirmation, I wanted to meet with you that's why I came here" I sat on the couch as he sat across me and brought the file which I was desperate to see.

"Here" Forwarding me the file he crossed his legs leaning against the couch closing his eyes.

"Not to forget, I'm your Boss" I raised my brow, Opening his eyes a bit he replied "whatever, I travelled to London, NewYork just for the information, I'm resting for a while"

I ignored him shaking my head in disbelief. Opening the file I scanned through it.

"Krystle Valentine, Born in NewYork, Parents Divorced, Raised by her grandparents, Shifted to London when she was 12, An entrepreneur" Reading the lines, I looked at jack in disbelief.

"Seriously?! I knew these all before" I glared at him. He straightened his position acting all serious. I waited for him to explain.

"cut the crap, She has a sister and there's no information about her" My brows furrowed.

"explain" Confusion was written all over my face.

"When I went to London, I got information about her schooling, University, address and all. We knew all those things already and that wasn't enough. I travelled to New York for more information. When I went there..


Jack stood in front of an old charming little house nestled on a quiet street in a historic neighborhood. The house has a weathered brick exterior with a cute front porch adorned with flower pots. The windows have vintage shutters, and there's a white picket fence surrounding the yard.

Knocking on the door he waited for the people to open the door. A lady opened the door, she looked almost sixty to seventy years.

"Good morning Ma'am" Jack bowed while the lady asked in confusion "who are you?"

"I'm Jack, I'm here for some information" he said politely.

"about whom?" the lady asked.

"actually, I got to know that you were working for Mr and Mrs Valentine, I want to know about their granddaughter Krystle, Krystle Valentine"

"Who's there?" A voice asked from inside. An old man joined them, maybe her husband. Jack bowed. "Good morning Sir, I'm Jack"

While the lady replied to her husband "he's here to know about Krystle"

"oh Krystle, Do you know her?" He asked. Hearing her name his face lightened up.

"yes, I know her, we are friends" Jack replied with a smile.

"I wouldn't have said anything about her but there's nothing more you can know about her except her family and how she was" He gestured Jack to enter inside.

Sitting on the couch, the lady went to bring tea.

"Before saying something about her, I want to know why you want to know about her" The old man spoke.

"I work under a company and Krystle is friends with our CEO, Y/n.. M. Y/n" Hearing y/n's name the old man smiled in excitement.

"y/n? You mean the ambassador y/n?" He asked in excitement while Jack was confused.

"yeah.. why?" He asked awkwardly.

"He's a big fan of y/n" Sitting beside her husband the woman offered tea to her husband as well as Jack.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐝𝐨𝐥 𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 ─𝐉𝐉𝐊 (𝐊𝐓𝐇) Where stories live. Discover now