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Walking through the white tiles, my heels clicked on each step grabbing the attention of the people present there. They stood up and bowed in respect.

My steps halted, turning my gaze to the left I grabbed the empty iced coffee bottle from the table.

"who left it here?" I asked turning to them. They all lowered their gazes not uttering anything.

"I asked something, who left it here?" Jack came running towards me. Bowing to me he wished a good morning.

"is there any problem ma'am?" he asked in confusion.

"yes, who left it here?" I asked him.

"it's mine ma'am.. I'm sorry, I went to the washroom. I'm really sorry for that" A black haired lady bowed in front of me continuously while saying sorry.

"Miss Chang, aren't you aware of our rules? You can't leave something like that on the table instead of throwing it in the dustbin"Jack asked with a scoff.

"did you not have your breakfast?" I asked which she responded nodding her head as a no.

"why?" I asked with a cold voice.

"because I-I was running late" she replied still looking down.

"You have to attend office that doesn't mean you'll skip your breakfast, health comes first, so take care from now on and have breakfast on time" She looked up at me with wide eyes not believing my soft tone.

"t-thank you ma'am.. thank you so much" she said bowing and i left from there with a shocked Jack following behind me.

"h-how? I mean.. I thought you'll scold her" he asked pressing the lift button for me.

"that's why I say, you don't know me" I glanced at him while he blinked twice.

He didn't say anything and we entered the lift. Pressing the top floor, we stood in silence until he decided to break it.

"she's here" he said in a serious tone looking straight.

"I know, that's why I'm here" I replied with a sigh.

"so.. what's your plan?" he asked looking at me.

"lemme see first, what she has and why she's here" I replied exiting the lift.

"will you attend the meeting?" he asked following me.

"she will"

"okay. I'll go to my office now, if you need anything just give me a call" he said bowing and went to the opposite side.

Opening the door of my office I met with a site I knew I would.

"Hundred Million Dollars" A feminine voice spoke.

Poking my tongue inside of my cheek, I went towards my table and stood in front of the blonde haired girl. She was sitting on my chair with her legs crossed on my table.

Her porcelain skin, flawless and milky, glowed with a natural radiance that seemed to defy any imperfections. Her ocean blue eyes held a depth and clarity that seemed to reflect the vastness of the sea itself. They sparkled with a captivating allure, drawing people in and leaving them lost in a sea of enchantment.

Her lips, a perfect shade of red, formed in a smirk while her ocean blue eyes met my grey ones.

She placed the wine glass on the table before taking her legs down. Standing up, She exuded an air of confidence as she made her way towards me. With every step, her body moved with a captivating blend of power. The way she carried herself spoke volumes, conveying a magnetic presence that demanded respect and admiration.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐝𝐨𝐥 𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 ─𝐉𝐉𝐊 (𝐊𝐓𝐇) Where stories live. Discover now