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Closing the door behind me i waited for her to speak. Don't know what she wanted to talk about but i let her whatever she has. I know I'm still not over. I still have feelings for her and it's hurting me to see her with someone else.

She sighed heavily before parting her lips to speak but stopped when her voice came out inaudible. Touching her throat she looked at me closing her lips. I shook my head before taking steps forward and poured the water in the glass before passing it to her.

Gulping down the water she placed the glass on the side table. "Thank you" She muttered as I nodded before replying "just say what you want to and leave me alone" I'm just pissed off right now God knows why.

She took a step forward. Inhaling a shaky breath "I don't know how to start─"

"then don't talk" I replied calmly.

She pressed her lips together. "Oh Jungkook─" Her voice was almost inaudible.

My breath hitched when she wrapped her hands around my neck hugging me but I stood there frozen.

"I'm sorry" She whispered "I'm sorry for everything. I was unsure about my feelings, what I wanted and what not. But it's clear now. I know what I want and it's you"

She glanced at me as I was looking at her unsure how to react. "stop kidding yn" It came out a whisper as she placed her hand on my cheek caressing it "I'm not kidding Jungkook. I'm saying the truth"

I looked at her bewildered as her eyes moistened but she hid it hugging me. "I'm sorry for hurting you Jungkook but trust me I was unsure, unsure of my own feelings, I'm sorry" her voice cracked at the end.

I held her by her shoulders before yanking her away gently. She stared at me, a lone tear escaped from her eyes and I wiped it.

"Don't cry" I said in a calm voice.

No matter how much she hurts me, I can never see her crying. She sniffed before nodding but more tears rolled down her cheeks.

"are you mad at me?" she asked as I cupped her cheeks shaking my head side to side before replying "I ain't. I can never be mad at you"

Sometimes we are confused about our own feelings. I understand. I can't blame her for this. "I understand you" I smiled, she smiled back with wet eye lashes. We stood there in utter silence staring at each other.



"I love you"

I felt as if the world stopped, time stood still and everything around us vanished leaving just both of us. I stared at her not believing her words. I didn't know how to react at that moment. My throat dried as I tried to speak but nothing came out of my mouth. It felt like a dream from which I don't wanna wake up.

"what.. what did you say?" It was inaudible but I guessed she heard it as she smiled before holding my hand.

"I love you Jungkook"

I hugged her not knowing what to do. She wrapped her arms around my torso as my grip around her tightened. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I sniffed.

"Are you crying?" She asked and i shook my head as a no.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐝𝐨𝐥 𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 ─𝐉𝐉𝐊 (𝐊𝐓𝐇) Where stories live. Discover now