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Author's POV

A lone tear escaped from her eyes before her eyes started to blur. She looked at the ceiling.

"I miss you mom."


Days passed. Nothing changed except some sadness, confusion and work stress. They just increased day by day.

She put her hand on the table before massaging her head. "God this Migraine" She groaned before opening her drawer andtook a medicine.

She took the glass and gulped the water with medicine. Her gaze turned to the door from which Sara just came with a file in her hands. Her brows furrowed looking at her file.

"Knock the door before coming" She said with a pissed off look.

"yeah yeah" Sara rolled her eyes before placing the file on her desk.

"You've to leave for Bangkok this weekend for the photo shoot and this is the contract." Sara looked up at her before explaining.

"huh? which photo shoot?" She asked confused.

"you don't remember? oh yeah you're so busy nowadays I know" Sara's lips turned into a thin line. She felt sad for her best friend who was busy all day and night because of the upcoming project. She could see the dark circles under her eyes. And she knew that her friend worked hard for this project and she got no sleep at all.

She went to her back and placed her hand on her forehead before starting massaging. y/n laid on her back on the chair as Sara's fingers gently massaged her head. She felt so overwhelmed.

"that day i came here to tell you about the photoshoot. I asked you because it's a duo more like a couple photoshoot so if you accept it or not and you accepted it. remember?"

Her eyes furrowed remembering which photoshoot Sara was talking about. Her reaction turned into a poker one remembering the day.



/n was talking on her laptop when Sara came to her cabin with a file. Her eyes were.glued to her Laptop. She was so busy that she didn't look up at Sara.

"y/n what are you doing?"

"working can't you see that?" She replied in her cold voice not even looking at her.

"I can see that but I'm asking if you're free or not."

"I'm not free just say what you want to and leave. I've to complete this before evening."

Sara sighed before placing the contract on her desk and continued "this is a photoshoot contract and you've to sign on this and-"

Before she could complete y/n took the contract and signed on the papers not reading a bit before turning her gaze to her laptop again.

"but y/n-"

"Sara leave and let me complete this. What you want to tell you can tell me later. now leave"

Sara left with a bye. She knows her friend. She knows doesn't matter how rude she behave or sounds, she's so soft from inside. She didn't mind her words because a friend should understand the other.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐝𝐨𝐥 𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 ─𝐉𝐉𝐊 (𝐊𝐓𝐇) Where stories live. Discover now