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"well you've already told me about your studies and all. so what about knowing about you a little more?"


"like about your friends and family?"

"uh.. umm.. yes.." I can feel her nervousness.

"it's okay if you don't-"

"no it's fine"

"you sure?"


"so tell me" I bit my lower lip and waited for her to start. she heaved a long sigh.

"okay so about my family, I ran away from home." my eyes widened after listening to her.



"I wasn't expecting this. but why?"

"actually if I'll be honest I can't blame them tho. they were somewhere right. I wanted to study further and come to Korea to meet-" she stopped and continued after a sigh. but why did I feel like she was about to reveal something? I can't ask her or force her so I let it.

"umm.. I wanted to come to Korea and my parents weren't letting me because I always did what I felt was right. they never stopped me but they somewhere wanted me to get married and live a happy life. it's not like I wasn't happy or something. But I was the kind of person to focus on my career rather than enjoying my life. I wanted to enjoy it but not there. It's also not like I never enjoyed. I did but they were talking about that actual happiness. In simple words they wanted me to get married because they thought my partner would make me enjoy this life and to be happy." she sighed again as I hummed in response after understanding her each words properly.

"but why did you leave them, you could've at least told them what you wanted to do?" I asked.

"that's right but my dreams were quite impossible. My parents have always supported me but if i see my dreams according to a third person's point of view, it was actually a dream with no stars to make it possible. They wanted me to be successful but sometimes they felt what if my dream will just be a dream? I'll get hurt eventually and they never wanted that." I breathed heavily and waited for her to continue.

"but I was so stubborn that I was stick to my dreams. I'm a type of person 'if I dreamt of it, I'll make it. Doesn't matter if I have to make this whole world burn in fire for it.' And they knew it. Still they fixed a guy for me to marry without telling me. He was my Dad's friend's son. He was quite successful and rich. My parents didn't choose him for money but for his behaviour, manners and personality. He was a well behaved and charming guy with a handsome face. As far as I know about him he has those girls head over heels for him but he never gave a fuck to them. He wanted someone to stay by his side always. And I'm not the type of girl to leave my dreams for someone. When this matter went further like even to our engagement even after my rejection, I ran away. Because they forced me and I can never be happy without my dreams."

What a girl! I've never seen anyone this stubborn for her dreams. For a moment I didn't know what to reply. What she did was both right and wrong. Stubborn for her dreams and Leaving her parents.

"I don't know what to say" I replied after a minute of thinking as she chuckled.

"I know right. well I miss them." I heard her voice cracking a bit.

"can't you go back to them?" I asked biting my lips.

"I can but not right now. I bet they know about my being an ambassador and business tycoon but I think I need some more time before meeting them." I hummed in response.

"well can I ask something if you're okay?" I asked awkwardly.

"yeah sure"

"what was your dream? Was it an ambassador or business tycoon?" my lips formed in a thin line when I got no response from her side.

"no it wasn't." she replied in a low voice.

"then?" I sighed heavily after hearing her.

"umm.. can we skip this?" she asked in a low voice.

"yeah yeah sure.. sorry for asking." I made the situation awkward.

"it's okay Jungkook~ah."

"you can ask anything else" she said when she got no reply.

"hmm.. how did you end up being an ambassador and a business tycoon?" She has told me about her studies but I didn't ask about being a business tycoon lately.

"it wasn't in the list at all. it just went with flow." she giggled.

"what?" my brows furrowed as I was curious about it.

"well.. do you remember our first picture together?"

"huh?" I had no idea what she was talking about when we never had a picture together.

"umm.. do you remember that airport trend? I mean the picture where you were looking at me and the picture went viral. it's kinda weird"

oh. yes. how can I forget that airport incident. that's the reason I'm talking to her now. but how I'm supposed to tell her? I scratched the back of my head before ruffling my hair biting my lips.

"I do remember that."

"actually at that moment what happened was I returned from my business trip and I saw Paparazzis over there so I thought maybe some artists would return but had no idea that it would be you." she laughed.

"then I got a call that Sara was admitted to hospital so I left from there. and the next day when Sara showed me those trends I was like 'What the actual fuck is happening?' because it was just too sudden. And the trends were the funniest like 'Angel' 'Grey eyes' and all."

"I used to work at Jong-suk's father's company. He treated me as his own daughter. but after that day the trends didn't went down and also our company's gmail was filled with requests like to be their model, ambassador, to marry some celebrity and all. I waited for some day but it just went more and more that I had to accept it."

"it's just too complicated." she sighed.

"and about the business tycoon. well I always wanted to be one and Jong-suk's dad helped me in this. I can't thank him enough."

She gulped the glass of water after completing. It's long and complicated that I didn't know what to reply.

"why are you so silent?" she asked chuckling.

"umm.. it's just.. I don't know what to reply" I scratched the back of my head before smiling.

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