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It was midnight when we reached Bangkok. The whole time she didn't utter a single word not even glanced at me for once. I only heard her voice after a long time when she asked for coffee to the air hostess. She didn't even say anything when I asked to help her with her suitcase. She did that by herself. Somewhere I felt sad. I didn't ask anything more, respecting her space but her silence was bothering me.

We are in the car now, which they sent for us. She's still working on her laptop. Reaching the hotel she got out immediately. Without sparing any glance she moved towards the door.

I got out of the car bewildered. The driver took out the suitcases. We both stood in front of the receptionist waiting for her to give us the keys. The rooms were already booked under our name.

The receptionist forwarded the keys to us as she spoke up "Sir, Ma'am, Here are your keys but there's a problem"

"what's it?" I asked her in confusion.

"there were no separate rooms available so the person who booked your rooms, booked the connected rooms" she replied with an apologetic look.

"oh, it's okay. No problem" I said smilingly while she uttered a thank you in response.

I looked at the female standing beside me with her arms crossed. I forwarded the keys to her biting my lips. It was quite difficult for me to have a conversation with her since she started to ignore my presence like I don't exist.

She took the keys and started to walk away leaving me dumbfounded, worried and somehow sad.

I opened the door of my room. My suitcase was already there. I opened it, took my joggers and a t-shirt before going to the bathroom. I know if I plopped on the bed even for once I'll end up sleeping there in these clothes.

After coming out of the bathroom I plopped myself on the bed. I was hella tired. A sigh escaped my lips as I thought about y/n. She is okay right?

My lips pursued in a thin line thinking about if she behaves like this tomorrow, how we'll be able to shoot. Taking the thought aside, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

I opened my eyes when the sunrays hit my face. I groaned before opening my eyes. Yawning I sat on the bed. It was 8:37am. We still have time for the shoot.

After a long shower, I went for a black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt with a jacket over it. I did pack it but I wasn't sure if I would wear it or not but here I'm wearing it on the first day.

Exiting my room, I stood in front of her room hesitating whether to knock or not. I was about to knock when the door opened and she came into my view.

Her face was looking so dull, eyes puffy which she managed to hide it with her makeup but unfortunately I could see it. Her lips was painted with a lip gloss. I looked at her grey eyes which had no emotions held in it.

My hand was in the air, I cleared my throat before speaking as I took my hand back "Good morning" I wished with a smile but she didn't seem to take it.

I bit my lips getting the situation while I moved aside to let her move forward.

My eyes widened when I looked at her completely. She was wearing a black skinny jeans with a black shirt and a jacket over it. We both were twinning. My gaze turned to take a look at her expression. She eyes widened a little but she hid immediately.

"shall we go for breakfast?" I asked with hesitation.

"I don't have an appetite" She replied in her cold voice not looking at me.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐝𝐨𝐥 𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 ─𝐉𝐉𝐊 (𝐊𝐓𝐇) Where stories live. Discover now