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Flash back
8 years ago.

As the morning sun gently pours through the window, The golden rays illuminate the room, casting a warm and inviting glow. The sunbeams dance across the walls, painting patterns of light and shadow. The room comes alive, as if awakened by the touch of sunlight, filling it with a sense of tranquility and serenity. The soft, filtered light creates a serene ambiance, creating the perfect setting to start the day with a renewed sense of energy and optimism. It's a magical moment, where the world outside seems to pause, allowing the lost ones to start a new life.

The lady around her mid forties removed the blanket causing the seventeen years old girl to groan in her sleep as the sun rays fell on her face. Her brows furrowed as she dragged the blanket and covered her body fully. She groaned again as the lady removed the blanket. She covered her eyes with her arm and drifted off to sleep again.

"Oh God this girl" The lady shook her head watching her daughter sleeping without a care of the World. She looked around her room being a complete mess everywhere. Just the posters, pictures were settled in their places beautifully decorated but the floor was filled with clothes, chips packets, Popcorn, drinks and what not.

the lady again looked at the girl sleeping carelessly as she tried to wake the girl up.

"y/n get up. get up" she shook her body as the girl changed her position and slept again. "y/n. I'm telling you, get up right now." she said in a higher tone and shook her as the girl groaned again. "just 2 minutes mom" she said in her sleepy voice.

"NO. Get up right now. Look at the mess you've created. What were you doing last night?" Her mom asked her being angry.

"A movie" she replied with her sleepy voice and slept on her stomach.

"I can see that. Get up right now!" she shook her body again before taking the clothes to the couch and started folding. "Do your BTS teach you this? huh? As far as I know they don't teach any kind of things you've done last night."

"Mom please don't drag my BTS everywhere. They are my cuties." She replied.

"Then who teaches you these? Now Get Up and clean the mess." Her mom said as she groaned and opened her eyes a little before adjusting them to the light.

She took her phone and looked at her Wallpaper.
"Good morning Love" She said to the smiling Tae on her lock screen.

She opened her Instagram and scrolled through it. She gasped and her eyes fluttered open looking at the trend. She sat on the bed and her sleep was nowhere to be found. She scrolled more and more.

She fell on her back to the bed and groaned loudly before standing up on the bed and danced her own causing her mom to look at her weirdly.

"What happened?" Her mom asked but she was not in the mood to listen to her.

"y/n" her mom called again.

"Mom" she exclaimed and went to her to show her phone. Her mom stopped folding clothes and looked at her phone screen.

"Mom, look at Tae. Look how handsome he is. His eyes, smile, features and everything. He's so beautiful, Mom. Look at him. He's perfect. I love him" She cried in happiness and danced again.

Her mom looked at her smilingly. Her smile faded as a certain thought came to her mind. She looked at her daughter with a serious gaze before calling her.


"yes mom" she was still dancing.

"y/n I'm calling you"

"I know" she replied while dancing.

"y/n Loving someone is okay but forgetting your limits isn't okay. and you should know that. The difference between Ground and Sky is like the difference between heaven and hell and fire and water. You should be aware of that. Do everything to reach your goal but don't do anything which will hurt you and lead you to hurt yourself. Don't do such things y/n. Don't."

Her mom said as she looked at her seriously. She got up from her seat and went to the door. She opened the door but stopped.

"I'll prepare your breakfast. Come downstairs." With this she went out before closing the door.

Meanwhile y/n processed her words. She couldn't understand a single bit.

"maybe my mind will get better after a shower." She said as she looked at her phone smilingly.

"I love you" she said before turning off her screen and went to the bathroom.

She thought about her mom's words in the shower. Her heart beat faster understanding the actual meaning of her words. Her heart shattered but what could she do? Her mom was right anyways. The dream she was dreaming is indeed impossible. Marrying her idol, that sounds crazy right? of course. And it was impossible.

Her mom didn't want to see her daughter hurt. She understands that clearly and the reason behind her words.

Short chapter. I know :)
It's just a flashback so yeah. I'll write more in the next chapter.
Thank you. And don't forget to Vote guys!!!!!!!

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