✧ Where am I?

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Ayumi's POV:

"Well well look who we have here, the demon Muzan-Sama wants.." the demon said. I maintained my poker face while still standing and staring straight into its eyes. By the looks of it, it was a lower-ranked moon. Lowermoon 3. Not a big problem but I didn't want to take any chances. 

"Are you just going to stand there and not fight back? BORINGGGG all you weaklings are so stupid. Not eating a single human and giving up being strong for the sake of humanity. DONT MAKE ME LAUGH," the demon cackled out. It was a very wretched sound and very much annoying. I was debating whether or not I should kill it with an easy death or not but the words had made it easier. 

"...I see... you've made this easier to kill you," I replied. As soon as it opened its mouth I pulled my fan out and attempted to cut its neck, but I was a bit surprised to see the demon disappear into the ground and popping out a few feet away from me.


"The mole should shut up." With a swift lift of my finger, I used the blood she had in her body, spread it throughout, and made her freeze in place. 


It was noisy. I cut her finger off and she screamed in pain. 

"I suggest you keep quiet as each second I hear your wretched voice is a minute longer of torture. As of right now, I feel quite nice so I'll let you off by cutting each finger out and having organs in your body gouged out but just enough so you stay alive as my demon art slowly freezes the water in your body drying up everything but your brain to keep you in a vegetable state so you can still feel pain. Don't worry it's only for some time and it won't be as bad as having to spend the rest of your pitiful journey in hell."

Now I'm covered in blood this is disgusting. I better find a place to wash myself. I started walking to a nearby red-light district. I hope someone is willing to let me in while I'm covered in blood. As I walked in I received a lot of stares and feeling self-conscious I entered an alley where no one was to be seen. 

"Stay still and don't move."

I could feel shivers down my spine, and I knew from this aura that it was a hashira. Shit, I've tried so hard to avoid anything that dealt with the corps for so long how did they find me. But I guess it's my time to go. I promised myself I would die when a corps found me. Either to them or to myself. 

"What's a demon like you doing around here and giving yourself away drenched in blood? Some nerve you have. Not very flamboyant if I do say so myself."

Seriously? I know I'm about to die and everything but flamboyant? man, this was not how I wanted to be killed. Ayumi Sato an 11-year-old demon is killed by a man who says "Flamboyant." Crazy. 

"I guess I've lived for long enough considering I'm a man-eating demon. Though I would have preferred to not be killed so early into my life."

"Sorry kid, but you're a demon. I hope you flamboyantly find peace in..hell"

Right, as if I can find anything nice in hell. I sighed and then, everything went black. 


What the hell is that noise? I open my eyes to see a crow on top of me with a forest behind it and a huge gate in front of me. Where the hell am I? As I got up a knife was put against my throat. 

"Don't move, or we'll use force."

I could feel this man was pretty weak and I could easily knock him out but seeing how I was unfamiliar with the surroundings and wanting to know more of where I was and what had happened, I gave in and the man and his subordinates took me to a building. 

"Enter." I could hear an old man say. 

"Sandaime-sama. We found this little girl in front of the gates unconscious but she's awake now and I decided the best thing to do was bring her to you." 

"Alright, I'll see to it. Leave."

With a loud "yes" they left and I looked at him dead in the eye. I had to play my cards right which was to either please him or just act myself. Deciding to act a different persona would have been too tiring to only get some info out of this grandpa, so I decided to be straight up. 

"Who are you? Where am I? No, what year is it?" This seemed to be like Japan but everything I saw as I walked in seemed to be more advanced. 

He chuckled and answered in a gruff voice.

"I'm the 3rd Hokage of the Hidden Leaf village, which is where you are right now, and the year is January 5th, 2002." 

For the first time in many years, my face turned into a shocked face. I was about 150 years into the future.

901 words

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