✧ Tutoring

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Ayumi's POV: 

I open my eyes as the light starts to shine on my face. I didn't necessarily have curtains, so I made sure to keep in mind to get a pair of curtains to make sure it didn't disturb my sleep. I got up and opened the closet to see if the "hokage" had added a pair of new clothes I could wear. Sure enough, he did. I got ready and headed out to see what this village was really like. Or so I thought. I had come out too early and no one was awake yet. I decided that what I could do right now was to see how my skills were as of now since I had no idea if I really died and somehow landed in the future, or I didn't die and lived till this day and suddenly woke up now. I went over to the designated spot the Hokage had told me and started to look around for a wooden stick I could use. I didn't have any swords or even a fan with me right now so a stick will have to do. I found a pretty tall stick that resembled a short sword and started to throw it around jabbing here and there to check it out. Deciding that it was good enough I grabbed a piece of trash I found and left it standing on a stump. Breathing in I made a slash to see if I could try and cut it. Huh, it went through I cut it. I guess I really just somehow got transported here. My skills aren't rusty enough to say that I fell asleep for 150 years. Then again, I am a demon so I wouldn't be so sure about it. Well, the important thing now is that my skills are still pretty decent. I'll start practicing getting used to the sword and moving around again. 

----------------------------2 hours later---------------------------------------

Iruka's POV:
As I started to walk towards the training grounds, I saw a young girl practicing her sword skills. Even I, who didn't really know much about swords could tell this girl was really good at it. I started walking up to her, but I suddenly was met with the girl on top of me with her foot on top and her stick to my neck. 

"Who are you? Better speak quick before I kill you off." 

Jesus this girl was a bit scary. This hurts my pride, a chunin being threatened by a girl of Naruto's age.

"I'm Umino Iruka. You can call me Iruka-sensei as I was the one assigned by the Hokage to teach you in advance to see if you qualify to enter the academy. If you are deemed worthy, I'll be your homeroom teacher for the rest of your studies at the academy."

She got up and mumbled a sorry. I laughed it off and told her to sit down for a bit as I explained what we'd do for the first day. 

"So, I don't know how much you know, and we'll have to know what you need to know and learn before I start teaching you anything. So, we'll do a simple test for today. We'll start off with taijutsu, kenjutsu, then ninjutsu. Judging by your face right now I can tell you have no idea what it is so as we go along, I'll teach you. So first let's start off with your taijutsu."

She nodded and got up as I summoned a dummy to have her fight with it.

"Okay so the dummy will come at you with punches or kicks or jabs and your job will be either, A make it immovable with this rope I give you or, B defend its attacks for a full 5 minutes. The point system will be for 5 points for B and 10 points for A. It will degrade the longer you take for A and for B, the more you get attacked the more your points will degrade. You have 20 minutes to accomplish this. Do you understand?"

"I have one question. Can I go for both A and B?"

I was surprised by what she said. Brash confidence wasn't good but then again, her sword skills were no joke either. 

"Normally I wouldn't recommend that but, for you, yes you may. Now START!" 

Ayumi's POV: 
The dummy came forward and threw a punch to my left shoulder that I easily deflected. Is this really how ninjas are? The dummy was weak and that supposedly teacher was weak too. I sighed and put my hands in my pockets. Just 5 minutes. That's all I need. I dodged its kicks and punches that all aimed to my left making this way easier than it really was. After some time I decided it was safe to say that around 5 minutes had passed and got the rope ready in my hands. I dashed towards the dummy, plopped the rope around it, and tied it around. I turned to look at Iruka as he had a weird expression on his face. 

Iruka's POV:
I checked the timer once more to see the time she got. A 12-year-old getting a 7-minute time was very surprising. A mere Genin level getting 7 minutes was the youngest record I've ever seen. She passed full marks on every aspect of this test. The A and B tests and even passing the test to see if she knew the aspect of time. Specifically, not telling her when 5 minutes was up to see if she knew how long 5 minutes was. Time is significant to a shinobi. I saw her looking at me with the dummy under her. I cleared my throat. 

"Ahem, sorry about that. Let's move on to your kenjutsu is what I was going to say. But I have already seen it so there would be no reason to see it anymore. We'll move on to ninjutsu. Ninjutsu is using chakra, the power of source that comes from your physical and mental chakra points, and use that to perform jutsus. There are many kinds but the most basic ones that all young shinobis learn are substitution, clone, and transformation. Since I was told you've never learned any of this, we'll start to see if you can pull the easiest one, transformation. To use transformation chakra you will need to imagine yourself opening up your chakra points and utilizing the flowing image of it in your veins and making it transform every inch of your body to whoever you would like. For now, let's try to transform just your hair. 

Ayumi's POV:

I had no idea what this guy was trying to tell me. Chakra points? Whatever I guess I'll try. 

3rd POV:
Ayumi focused all her energy on performing this so-called Ninjutsu but alsas, she was unable to succeed. 

"It's okay, I know how hard it is for newcomers to visualize how to use jutsus. It's getting late right now anyway so why don't we end it here for today Ayumi? Thank you for your time," Iruka said. Sighing in frustration Ayumi nodded and made her way back home as Iruka went to report to the 3rd Hokage. 

Ayumi's POV: 

God this is so annoying, how can I not get this? It's only 10 pm right now, I should practice some more. As I arrived at an open field of grass named "Training Grounds 35." As I enter I quickly sense another presence and hide just quickly enough to see a boy flop himself down. He opened a bottle of water and started to drink it. He had pale skin and an amazing facial structure. He had the same symbol I saw back "home" which made me curious about what it was. While I was deep in thought a kunai suddenly flew past me. 

"Come out, I know you're there." The boy said. He had such an ice-cold attitude. I came out with the bush I was hiding in rustling behind me. 

Sasuke's POV:

I lunged at her with a kunai only for her to defend herself with a stick. 

"Who are you?" I asked. For her to defend my attack while she looked around my age was formidable. She didn't say anything and just had a look of annoyance on her face. 

"I just came here to practice, can you lower your kunai" She replied. I took a good few seconds before backing down. She dusted herself off and stared straight at me. 

"Who are you? It's 10 PM shouldn't little boys be home by now." She stated. It irked me and I put my kunai away turning around I told her, "Training. Doesn't matter if I'm out, I could say the same for you, especially when you're a girl." I heard her scoff and mumble something and walked her way to the left of me. I rolled my eyes and got back to practicing.

Ayumi's POV:
Jeez such a rude guy for someone with some duckbutt hair. I walked a few feet away from him and tried to focus on what that guy said earlier. Imagine the chakra points Ayumi. As I concentrated and concentrated, I could feel something happen and as soon as I thought I got it, it went away and deflated like a balloon. I groaned in frustration and lay down before hearing a snicker to my right. 

"What are you even trying to do" Sasuke said with snickers here and there. I gave him a look of annoyance and rolled my eyes. 

"I've never learned how to use ninjutsu okay? Cut me some slack, even if I can't perform ninjutsu, I sure can beat your butt" I said while ever so slightly smirking. He looked up smirking a bit. 

"Wanna test that out you shortie?" He replied. With an irked face I ran up to him and attempted to kick his face which was blocked by his arm. 

"Oh it's so on Duckbutt," I said while smirking. 

I'm so sorry for the very late update. I just have been dealing with so much with little motivation to write. But here you go a new update to anyone who's even reading this right now!

1693 words

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