✧ Academy here I come!

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Ayumi's POV:


"Thank you come again!" the owner said. We walked out as we waited for Iruka Sensei to finish paying. I was willing to pay or at least split the price but he seemed adamant to pay for us. "You guys are my students," he says. Stupid. I sigh and lean against the wall of the restaurant as I see Naruto and Sakura talking. Or is it more like Sakura just nagging and yelling at him as Naruto looks at her with puppy eyes. I guess the little ball of sunshine likes the stupid pig. Sasuke seemed to be in between them as Sakura was still clinging on to him. He seemed annoyed and pissed off and I snorted at that. He looked up and sent me a glare and I just rolled my eyes at him. 

"Me and Sasuke are going to go on a date after this Naruto! Leave us alone. Go to Ayumi and ask her out I don't want to go with you," Sakura yelled. 

"Come on Sakura-chan I'm way better than this good-for-nothing idiot!" Sasuke was irked at that and he finally spoke up.

"Enough. I'm not going anywhere with you Sakura. Let go of me already, it's annoying. You look like a parasite get a life." Sakura looked shocked and hurt as she slowly let her arms down and gripped her dress while looking down. I could see tears swell in her eyes. Jesus. Such harsh words, not even I would go that far. What does she even see in him? He's just a rude brat who happens to be overconfident because of his looks. 

"Isn't that too harsh Sasuke," I said as I walked over to them. Naruto and Sasuke turned to me while Sakura was still trying to hide the fact that she was crying. Sasuke glared at me and Naruto was nodding his in agreement. 

"Mind your own business" Sasuke retorted. I snorted and rolled my eyes. 

"Can't do that when you guys are bickering right in front of me. Did no one teach you manners? You seem to think this is your way of being "cool" but you just look like an ungrateful rude brat."  His eyes slightly twitched before sighing, then turned to Sakura. Naruto looked to be in shock for some reason. 

"My bad." Then he walked away. I shook my head in annoyance at the stupid apology. Hell, that wasn't even an apology. 

"He....listened to you?" I heard Naurto mumble. Sakura started to cry more when she heard that and Naruto hurriedly started to comfort Sakura and I huffed in annoyance. 

"Sakura. This is on you too. You should stop clinging to a guy who has already said he doesn't like this multiple times. Grow up, you're not a baby who can just whine her way to get something. Mind people's space and keep your hands to yourself. Even kids younger than you understand that, why can't you?" I said. Naruto looked angry and tried to say something but I glared at him and cut him off by walking away. I heard Iruka sensei behind me but I just waved him off and quickly turned a corner to avoid any more conversation. As I kept walking a guy came up to me and had a stupid smirk on his face. 

"Hey, what's your name? I'm Satoshi, if you're free you should come with me. I'll give you a great time..." he said as he looked at me up and down then licked his tongue. I shivered in disgust and walked away silently not even paying him any attention. 

"HEY! I'M TALKING TO YOU" He grabbed onto my wrist and pulled me to look at him. I quickly raised my fist to punch him away but someone swooped in and kicked him away. 

"She said no, Now piss off," the boy said. The guy shaking in anger got himself up and walked away. The boy sighed and turned around and I found that it was Sasuke who had come. 

"I could have handled that. What are you even doing here, you left a while ago."

"Tch. And you call me ungrateful." I sighed and said thank you. He rolled his eyes and started walking away. Even if he technically did save me, he was so stupid about it. I quickly walked home drained from all the social interactions I had. I was planning to train but that plan went out the window. Whatever, it gives me time to pack for the academy tomorrow.  

Time Skip to in class! :)

3rd POV:

"Okay sit down guys! We have a new student. Now, I know that there are only 2 days before the test and it makes it weird to have a new student this late but, she was strong enough to be an exception. Treat her well, come in now!" Iruka said. Ayumi walked in and the class went silent. Despite her age, she seemed very mature but also looked young. She had beautiful flowing black hair with shining purple eyes. A rare color to see. She was wearing simple plain clothes but her beauty alone made it shine. Only problem? She was so emotionless. Not a single smile.

"Sato Ayumi. Nice to meet you." The class applauded while also admiring her beauty, they shivered in fear. Her aura was that of a "stay away" kind of vibe. She felt very familiar with a student they all knew well, Sasuke Uchiha. 

"Mmm...Ayumi, no more to say?" Iruka asked. Ayumi looked slightly down to say no and Iruka sighed. What was he going to do about this guarded girl? If she keeps this up, she'll be misjudged and won't be able to make friends. Well, for now... "Okay, why don't you go sit next to Naruto for now?" Silently she headed towards Naruto who was sleeping but pretending to be reading. She plopped herself down and everyone gave her glances. Iruka quickly grabbed the attention of the students and went on with the lesson. After the class ended, everyone mingled around getting ready for lunch. As Ayumi got up to go eat, she was blocked by a mob of girls who were surrounding Sasuke. "So Sakura still hasn't given up huh," Ayumi thought. "Pity." 

"Sasuke-kun~ I made lunch for you!" A girl said. 

"No! He's going to eat mine, back off you pig!" another one said. Ayumi sighed and tried to squeeze through. Unfortunately, that small bickering had made it a huge fight making it so that she couldn't even speak up to make them move. She was getting ticked off and Sasuke could tell. Not wanting any more noise he stood up and all the girls went quiet. 

"Move. I can't get through and neither can Yumi. Give it a rest I have my own food." With that, he walked away hands in his pocket. Ayumi scoffed when she saw the lunch hanging out of his bag. The girls didn't seem to notice as they were standing in silence from what had just happened. They all turned to look at her but by then she was already out with the lunch in her hand.  

"Psh. Acting cool but forgetting his lunch. How stupid of him." 

A/N: SORRY!! this may be a shorter chapter but my PC is dying right now. I really wanna upload something so!!! SORRY! :,)

1224 words

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