✧ Team 7?

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3rd POV:

Ayumi Jumped back as she positioned herself better and looked around to see if she could use anything to her advantage. While doing so the black-haired boy charged at her throwing a punch to her left side. She dodged it with ease and threw a punch upwards almost hitting his head before he was poofed with a log. "What the fuck??" Ayumi thought. He appeared behind her but she quickly did some backflips, backing away from Sasuke.

"Hn. Surprised? That's called a substitution jutsu, something that you obviously can't do." Sasuke said with a smirk. Ayumi rolled her eyes and dashed up to him again, only this time she moved faster than before managing to land a punch on his chest. Sasuke skidded backwards coughing up some blood before wiping it.

"Not so tough now are we?" Ayumi stated with a smirk. Sasuke stared at her with annoyance as he got up.

"Tch. I just let my guard down for a few seconds, It won't be so easy next time." He replied. Rolling her eyes Ayumi got ready to fight again. Looking at the blood stain the boy had on his shirt, she realized that she hadn't tested out if she could still use her Blood art. She bought herself some time after she made a good distance between her and this boy she had met. Sasuke in total confusion ran up to her to attack with a kunai but only to find that he couldn't move his whole body.

"What the fuck did you do to me?" He asked with a grim tone. He knew this wasn't ninjutsu as the girl couldn't even perform a simple transformation. She just smirked and went up to him with her stick on his neck.

"It's my win~" She cooed triumphantly. She saw Sasuke slump in defeat. And she bursted out laughing.

Sasuke's POV:
I can't believe I lost to some girl who can't even use ninjutsu. I hear her laugh and look up to retort to her but when I looked up, I saw a beautiful sight. She had the daintiest smile on her face and laughs that ringed like a bell.

"Hn. Whatever. What's your name? Never got it to be honest." I asked.

"Sato, Sato Ayumi. What about you?" (A/N: In Japan, people introduce themselves with their last name then first name!)

"Uchiha Sasuke."

"Nice to meet you Uchiha-san," She said with a smile. She snapped her fingers and I could move my body again, but unfortunately, I fell because of my posture. She held her hand out so I could get back on my feet.

"Hn," I said as I grabbed her hand. I dusted myself off as I turned to face the other way. She started to shiver a bit and grabbed all the stuff she had.

"Well it's getting cold and it seems like it's around midnight right now so Ima head back. See you around Uchiha San."

What was her name again? It was something like,

"Hn. Stop it with the "san." Just Sasuke is fine. I'll call you without honorifics too, yumi."

She turned around confusingly before laughing again.

"It's Ayumi, duckbutt," She said while giggling. A bit embarrassed I shifted my head away from her and gathered all my stuff. She burst out into more laughter and fell to the ground holding her stomach. I headed out and started speed walking my way to my house but felt her presence behind me.

"Why are you following me? Pervert."

"Chill, I have the same route as you that's all," She said with giggles here and there. "Perhaps you're the one who lives in an estate with a red and white fan at the top of the gate?" I turned around in shock. So she was the girl who was going to live with me as the Hokage said. I sighed and nodded my head and she knew that she was going to go home with me.

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