✧ Feelings

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3rd POV:

Ayumi walked around to find Sasuke but he was nowhere to be found. Getting more annoyed by the second, she decided to give up and head to a quiet place so she could enjoy her lunch. Whether Sasuke starves or not isn't her fault anyway. She walked into a shed near her classroom building and opened the door slightly to find that it was quiet and dark but with enough light to see. Just the way she likes it. She fully opened to door but found Sasuke sitting there deep in thought. 

He was here all along? I walked around so much to find he was close by. I'm making him pay for this. She sighed and walked up to him but he still didn't seem to notice. She crouched down and bonked his head. In surprise, Sasuke looked up and found Ayumi right in front of his face. A little flustered he backs up a little before getting annoyed. 

"What do you want," he asked. Ayumi rolled her eyes at his attitude and was seriously thinking of taking the lunch and throwing it away in front of him.

"You forgot your lunch after the show you put on." He widened his eyes and slightly turned to hide his red cheeks. She smirked at the sight as she could tell that he was worried others would find out. "hmmm what to do what to do? Sasuke the Great forgot his lunch. I wonder how others would react?" He glared at her and quickly tried to take the lunch away. She avoided the hands and laughed as he got even more red. 

"Give it back."

"No can do! This is funny," She said in between her giggles. Being done with this he got up and reached for his lunch and snatched it away but Ayumi having a tight grip on it followed along ending up with Sasuke falling with Ayumi on top. Ayumi slowly got up rubbing her head and getting ready to yell at Sasuke.

"Get off. You're heavy," Sasuke said. Ayumi was irked at this comment but knowing that it wouldn't do much to retort, she got off and dusted her clothes. 

"Why'd you grab it like that then? Jeez, you have no patience either." Sasuke rolled his eyes sat up and started opening his lunch. Ayumi followed suit and opened her lunch too. Sasuke raised his eyebrows as if questioning why she was opening her lunch. "I'm not moving, if anyone is going to be gone from here it's you Sasuke." He quietly ignored her remark got his chopsticks and started eating. She sighed and ate her lunch quietly. A peaceful moment between these two. No fangirls, no fighting, no bickering. As much as the two ninjas didn't want to admit, this was the most peaceful they had felt for a while. This was soothing for the Uchiha who was deep in thought after experiencing a rough night of nightmares. They sometimes come in extreme and today was especially worse. So in his mind, he quietly thanked the purple-eyed girl for this peaceful moment he could share with someone. 

Time Skip! After lunch! 

3rd POV

After lunch, the students walked in one by one to finally finish the last 2 hours of class. The first hour was spent learning the history of the ninjas. Ayumi sat there a bit bored and noticed Sasuke sitting before her. "Huh? Wasn't he a row down?" she thought. She looked over to where Sasuke was sitting before and found that the girls had taken the opportunity of Sasuke's absence during lunch to switch seats closer to him. "Ah, I see." She silently giggled a little and took the time to play with his hair. Sasuke seemed to flinch a little but settled down. Ayumi was a bit confused as to why he hadn't said anything but being bored she wasn't going to complain. She made braids here and there with a little ponytail to finish. She giggled and Sasuke turned his head slightly. He started to touch his hair before sighing and undoing the ponytail she had done. Annoyed,  Ayumi grabbed his hand and bonked his head a little. She sent him a note saying, "Don't take it out, I'll make it look better." Sasuke tired of bickering with her agreed with a subtle nod. He thought since he was thankful for the earlier lunchtime, he'd allow this once.

He never knew that this small chance he gave would turn into a regular time thing. 

 Ayumi gave a small smile and took out a few braids leaving a small braid on the side of his hair. Curse him and his stupid face, even with a braid he looks good. 

"Okay, guys! Let's head outside now to have a tournament to see how far you guys have grown!" Some groaned while some smirked. Everyone got up one by one heading out. Sasuke got up with his hands in his pockets as girls quickly swarmed him. Ayumi shaking her head used the tables to get past the mob of girls and started walking. Kiba walked up to her using this chance to get to know the new cute girl. 

"Hey, I'm Kiba. Ayumi right? A cute name for a cute girl but "babe" would be a better name dontcha think?" he said. Ayumi rolled her eyes and ignored him but Kiba wasn't going to easily back down. "Come on, at least let's be friends!" She slightly turned to him and stared at him for a few seconds. He gave her some puppy eyes and made his companion, a small cute white dog do it along with him. She sighed before turning back forward. 

"Sato Ayumi. I don't know about friends but I guess I'll stop ignoring you. If you stop hitting on me, that is." He hummed in response before giving her a bright smile. He grabbed her hands and pulled her a bit closer to him. 

"Sorry, no can do!" He said while smiling gleefully. But suddenly he was shoved by Sasuke who coldly walked by without a "sorry" and made his way out the door. Sasuke was annoyed with them standing in his way. Or that's what he thought it was. He didn't know that actually, he was just annoyed with Kiba for making Ayumi uncomfortable like that.  Ayumi a bit thankful for saving her a second time quickly followed suit. Poor Kiba rubbed his shoulder a little from the strong force of the Uchiha's body. Man, what were his bones made of? Kiba swore it was metal. 

Iruka had started calling out pairs to see who would fight each other. Ayumi was zoning out till she could hear her name. 

"Ayumi Sato and Kiba Inuzuka!" He yelled. Ayumi hummed in response and quickly got ready to fight the flirtatious mutt. 

"Aw, sorry sweetie looks like I'll have to hurt you a bit. Don't worry I'll take care of you afterwards." He said while winking at her. Ayumi gave no reaction and took out a fan she had bought before coming to the academy. She decided to treat herself with the allowance she had saved up for learning how to use jutsus. Everyone started snickering at the fan she had pulled out as a weapon. Ayumi paid no mind and got in position. Kiba and his puppy, named Akamaru, got into position soon after. 

"Start!" Iruka yelled. 

Kiba and Akamaru quickly ran to her throwing punches and kicks and bites at her but Ayumi all dodged them with ease. She had her hands behind her locked with each other and her fan sticking out of it. She had closed her eyes and seemed to be thinking about something else. After a while, they both got tired and stopped their useless attacks. They needed a new tactic, this was no ordinary pretty doll they thought she was. 

"Already done? Okay, my turn now," Ayumi stated. She quickly ran up to them and was up in their face before they could finish blinking. She got behind Kiba and took a swift chop to his neck with her fan and made him go unconscious. Akamaru shivering in fear quickly hid underneath his master and whimpered in defeat. Everyone was silent and surprised at Ayumi's strength. They thought she was just some pretty little girl who happened to get in due to her beauty. That was not the case. Ayumi gave a small tch and looked towards Iruka for instructions. 

"The winner is Sato Ayumi!" 

Everyone broke into applause while the girls were scowling. She was pretty and strong while being mature. She had it all. Ayumi swiftly made her way back to the crowd where she saw Sasuke leaning against a pole and opened his eyes when he noticed her presence. Ayumi slightly turning her head up looked down at him with a malicious smirk which irked the Uchiha. She glared at him as if saying, "I'm stronger than you now." Pushing down his emotion he closed his eyes paying no attention to her. Ayumi bored with his reaction decided to sit till the tournament was over. 

"I thought I could get a good reaction out of him...Hmm, I guess not. Though he seemed a little more emo than usual. Whatever not my problem." 

A/N: A little SasukexAyumi moment! We can see Sasuke is starting to develop feelings for Ayumi! But Ayumi still hasn't and only had gone as far as opening up slightly to him. Will Sasuke be able to make her like him back?? ;)

1589 Words

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