✧ One more time

513 17 3

Ayumi's POV:

I was out of breath, my face was red and all my fingers felt cold. The wind seemed to be laughing at me as it blew around me. I was taking a run to cool my head after Sasuke had fallen asleep. I couldn't believe I had just done that. I barely even know this guy! It's been about a month since we first met, how could..how could I just! No Ayumi snap out of it. I should stop caring about this dude. But his eyes desperately ask for help. His obsidian eyes hypnotize me to do whatever I can for him. I hate that guy. I hate him...right?.. Sighing I turned and ran back home. I needed to get ready for the academy, it was testing day.

Time skip

3rd POV:
Ayumi walked into the classroom and headed towards her seat but soon found out that the little ball of sunshine had occupied it. Irked she kicked Naruto out of her seat. 

"Ouch! What the heck! Who is-" Naruto said before looking up. He sweatdropped at Ayumi glaring down at him. "uh..uh...Hi Yumi..???" he said. This earned a kick from Ayumi and a chop on his head by Sasuke. Naruto felt the world spin and fell straight on his butt and started tending to the places he got hit. Ayumi looked at Sasuke with a questioning look as to why he had hit Naruto. Sasuke stared straight back at her but Ayumi quickly avoided his eyes. 

"Don't call me that Naruto." Ayumi looked down at Naruto who was slowly getting up.

"But Sasuke-" Naruto was cut off as Ayumi glared at him. He whimpered and cried as he made his way towards Sakura only to be punched by her. She sighed and looked to her left to see Sasuke staring straight at her. Ayumi was caught off guard and looked away quickly to break eye contact. 

"Damn it. Why'd you look away Ayumi? You stupid idiot" she thought to herself. Sasuke raised his eyebrows at Ayumi's strange behavior. Ayumi quickly tried to sit in her seat but was almost knocked over by Sakura and Ino who had run up to the seat next to Sasuke trying to sit there. 

"It's MY seat you BILLBOARD!!!" Ino yelled. 

"IN YOUR DREAMS INOPIG" Sakura retorted back. Ayumi sighed and was quickly getting annoyed at things. She went around the mob to try and get back to her seat but was stopped by Sasuke grabbing her wrist. Ayumi jumped from surprise and tried to get out of his grip but he wouldn't let go. 

"We need to talk Yumi." 


Sasuke sighed and tried to get her to turn to him but Ayumi refused too. Naruto was quiet until he suddenly moved in front of Sasuke's face glaring at him. Sasuke widened his eyes before squinting them and glaring at him back. 

"I don't get it why does Sakura-chan like this stupid guy so much," Naruto thought. 

"HEY! NARUTO GET OFF OF SASUKE!" Sakura yelled at him. Naruto looked at her with heartbroken eyes and Ayumi was still there trying to get Sasuke's hand off her wrists. But like a snake with his prey, he refused to let go. She finally turned around and the sudden movement caused Naruto to fall towards Sasuke. Sasuke had a fearful look in his eyes as Naruto's lips came closer and closer. He swiftly let go of Ayumi causing her to fall and pushed Naruto away causing Naruto to fall with Ayumi.

"...OH MY GOD!!!!" Ino yelled. 

Naruto had accidentally kissed Ayumi on her forehead. Ayumi quickly kicked Naurto off causing him to go through the roof while she quickly rubbed her forehead as she got up. She had a plain disgusted look as her forehead started getting red from all the rubbing she was doing. She glared at Sasuke for causing all of this as he walked up to her. He grabbed her arms to stop her from rubbing it as he glared back at her equally. Ayumi rolled her eyes to avoid eye contact but couldn't get herself to slap his touch away. Sasuke analyzed her forehead seeing slight gashes and blood from her rubbing too harshly. He clicked his tongue, got his first aid kit from his bag, and tended her wounds. The fangirls witnessing this scene were sending death daggers to Ayumi. Ayumi sweatdropped and turned away from him as soon as he was done. She gave a small thanks and sat down as Sasuke did too. If looks could kill someone, she'd be already dead by now. 

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