✧ A snowy day

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The sun beat down on Sasuke and Naruto who were still practicing to perfect their chakra control. Sasuke emitted such dark energy that even the dense Naruto knew today was not the day for fierce competition. 

"Damn it." Sasuke breathed out as he dropped from the tree again. He was about a few meters off the ground but had fallen when his concentration broke when he thought of last night. The scene replayed over and over again. He clicked his tongue as he got up and attempted to try again. The boy had practiced nonstop for hours now and Naruto was starting to get worried. Yes, he hated the boy from his guts but it was concerning to see him train for so long not even taking a breather. He looked out of breath and dead tired but had a glint of stubbornness glimmering around his eyes. 

"Sasuke.." Naruto started. He cringed in fear at his dark abyss eyes turning to him with a menacing glare. Naruto gulped as he fiddled with his hands before continuing. "Take a break, it's been 4 hours since we've trained!" Naruto slightly yelled before getting meek all over again from Sasuke's intense stare. Sasuke rolled his eyes slightly and ignored Naruto's remark as Naruto now became annoyed. 

Teme..!! I did this out of worry for you! UGH, I'm never thinking of helping him again. Naruto resumed his practice as he sent snarls toward Sasuke now and then. 

The view from the top of the tree sunk into their eyes as they both finally collapsed on the branch of the tree exhausted. They breathed harshly filling the air around with gasping noises. They had both finally reached the top of the tree and were satisfied with their progress.

"Yo!" Kakashi said appearing in front of them. Both boys instantly stood up from the tree now in a sitting position as they had eyes big as saucer plates. Naruto yelled in complaint as Sasuke growled in dismay. "Maa, don't be so overdramatic. I came with good news for you!" He gave an eye smile as both looked in anticipation. "There was a sighting of Zabuza near the bridge and I have decided we're all going to head over to settle this." Naruto cheered as he got his butt off the ground and Sasuke smirked in response.  

"Ne Sensei what about Ayumi?" Sakura asked grabbing for her backpack. 

"I don't know, she had a rough night-" 

"Let her rest." Sasuke cut in. All of them looked in surprise at their raven-haired teammate as he turned his body and walked in front leaving them behind. Naruto and Sakura looked at each other in confusion as Kakashi shook his head. He doesn't believe that letting her rest will make her safe right? The rest of the team followed Sasuke close behind as they prepared themselves for the final battle. 

On the other hand, Ayumi woke in a frenzy as she toppled the blankets that once rested on top of her to the ground. She calmed herself down, stared at a mirror before her, and saw her hair had been gravely disheveled and her eyes were swollen. Despite all this one would say Ayumi still looked as beautiful as the moon and gave a serene feeling. Ayumi got off the bed as she looked around for Sakura. When had she moved onto the bed? She could have sworn she fell asleep staring at the rims of the bed on the ground in deep thought. 

Ayumi opened the bedroom door as she roamed around looking for her team. She had noticed the sun was beginning to set and undeniably was hungry. She saw a piece of bread on the table with a note with very messy handwriting. 

Just in case you're hungry Miichan!! There was one last sentence written so hurriedly that she couldn't make out what it was saying. Ayumi gave a small smile as she grabbed the bread and nibbled on the top of it. Finishing it, she went ahead and got herself dressed as Tsunami walked into her room before knocking. 

"You're awake!" She said with a smile. Ayumi nodded her head in response as she finished tying her hair up. 


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