✧ Memory lane

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"You had a sister, Kaito?" Temari asked the boy who was whistling. His whistle became faster and made a sound as if saying yes.

"Tell us crap faster you fucking moron," Kankuro says with a grim face. Gaara merely eyed the conversation as they made their way back to Baki, their Jonin teacher.

"Speaking of which, Kankuro, what the hell was that? You froze completely in front of that Ayumi kid," Temari asked, looking at Kankuro who seemed to shiver again.

"I could...I could have sworn she had cut my arm off for a split second. Her aura was so dangerous...my body was taken over by fear which caused me to think that she had amputated my arm. She rang a sense of danger, a red sign of death." Temari shivered a bit as Kaito smirked and Gaara paid no mind.

"That's my sister for ya!" Kaito chirped as he started to lightly hum. Temari narrowed her eyes, staring at the odd gorgeous boy. His personality was twisted and unable to be read, a mysterious person he was. He appeared out of nowhere along with the Kazekage and joined their team.

"Quiet." Gaara instantly shut all of them up except for Kaito who kept humming and ignoring Gaara's command. "Don't forget the plan." His dark tone left a sense of danger in their minds as they all tensed and nodded their heads. Kaito merely rolled his eyes staring up to the sky and putting his hands behind his head.

Wait for me, dear sister. Kaito smiled with a hint of craziness behind it.

Just what had happened? Kaito should have been dead eons ago, how was he here? And that mysterious power...just who was this boy? Was this really Ayumi's brother? If so, how was he here?


"Did you find her?" Sasuke asked as he walked over to Sakura and Naruto with his hands hidden in his pocket. Both of them shook their heads in dismay and sighed.

"Just where could she have gone..?" Sakura asked, hanging her head. Naruto grumbled incomprehensible words and Sasuke sighed as he walked away.

"I'll try and look for her, you two go home."


"Go home." Sasuke cut Sakura off. Sasuke disappeared in a flash and headed over to her home as the final place to check. Creaking the door open, all he was met with was darkness. Turning the lights on he saw a few selection of chairs, a simple table and kitchen, and a single bed. Opening all of the rooms to check for Ayumi he sighed and threw himself on her couch to rest his head. As his eyebrows furrowed and used his fingers to tend the bridge of his nose he slowly closed his eyes.

Just where was she?

The next morning sun shined and Sasuke had just exited his home and hoped to look for Ayumi waiting for him outside but with no luck, he ruffled his hair. As he headed over to meet up with team 7 he kept hearing snickers and laughter. Confused, he glared at them silently to shut them up, meeting Sakura who was talking with Kakashi with a grim face.

"Sasu- ... pft!" Sakura lightly snickered and Kakashi gave a small eye smile. Growling he glared at both of them feeling his boiling anger arise and at its explosion point. As his eyes darkened and eyebrows furrowed both Kakashi and Sakura sweatdropped as they tried to calm him down.

"Woah teme...have you looked in the mirror recently?" Naruto asked as he walked over laughing. Sasuke, irritated, walked to the closest window there was. Standing in front of a bookstore he saw how his usual hair had now been formed into a zagged line as a few strands stuck out here and there. His eyes held heavy bags and his shirt was put on backwards. He dropped his jaw in shock before grumbling fixing his hair and turning his shirt the right way.

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