✧ Attending the Academy!

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3rd Hokage's POV:

I stared at the shocked girl Infront of me as I examined her up and down. She seemed strange and not from around here. She seemed to be at the age of 12 years old but acted too mature for her age. She almost acted like Sasuke. As if she's lost a lot of important people in her life at her young age. She was also very suspicious. She just had an aura of...someone who was not a human. Someone.. like a demon. I watched as she quickly composed herself and seemed to think through of what she should do from now on. I decided to give her a hand. 

"Well, by seeing your reaction you seem to be not around from here and nowhere to go. If you would like, I could accept you as a Konoha citizen and have you attend the academy for young ninjas as you seem like the age to attend it right now."

"Ninja Academy? I'm sorry but what about Demon slayers? What would you need a ninja for?" she said.

I was surprised. I haven't heard of the demon corps only seen them in scrolls and books. I always thought the idea of demons existing were..myths. If she really knew about demons when they were top secret, this only meant one thing. She was a demon who somehow survived. A human could have never lived this long. This girl was harder to deal with then what I thought. I should keep her safe for now, someone could use her for wrong things. I need to keep her here in this village and make sure she never strays in the path of evil. Never again after Orochimaru. I will never let someone from my care stray in his path.

Ayumi's POV:

Shit. I shouldn't have asked about the demon slayers. The fact that I was 150 years in the future slipped my mind. The shock must have gotten to me, and I made such a simple but grave mistake. I didn't see any wisteria flowers around indicating that either they were a village full of civilians who didn't know about demons but couldn't be possible as a lot of them were trained soldiers, or what they call ninjas. They moved very similarly as that man who beheaded me, meaning if demon slayers still exist to this day, they would have wisteria flowers around this very village. And the fact they didn't have wisteria flowers meant one thing, the demon king Muzan had been eliminated and the demon species itself was extinct. I was the last of my kind. I should have kept this under the rug. This is going to cause some problems. Should I kill this grandpa? No, lets use this to my advantage. 

"I accept, I will attend the academy and become a part of this village. But I have some simple conditions I wish you would accept." 

"I see..lets hear it first, I guarantee I will comply as long as it brings no harm to my village."

"First, I wish to atleast own a house for a couple of weeks or maybe months as I wish to get accustomed to your village and find myself a way of income. Seeing how you have a lot of ninjas here they would probably need something that benefits them to work for this village which I am guessing is money or honor. But not all people live off honor, so money is the highly suggestive choice. I do not have parents to depend on so I wish you would understand my situation and let me stay on some borrowed money. I promise to pay everything back as soon as I have a steady income. Second, I do have to say something, but I only want you and only a selected amount of people to know of it. If many people knew of this, I fear my life and your village would be in danger. Wherever you go there are always some people who try to take advantage of power."

I let this sink into him and waited in silence before he started to laugh. Why tf was he laughing? I couldn't help but feel a bit mad. Was he ridiculing me? No, Ayumi let's calm down. If he was the man with the greatest power and position, he wouldn't act irrationally. This village seemed to be in a pretty great shape meaning he was a wise person. If he wasn't I would have just left anyways. 

"Your pretty smart. Very observative. Not even that, you sound like this person I know who's a genius. I haven't laughed like this in years, so thank you for that. I comply to all your conditions, but I do have to say. Your young, I do not wish someone of your age to be in debt of me so I will provide your living expenses till you have some source of income and you will not have to pay me back. Now what is your secret? I feel as if I already can guess but let's hear you out."

He was smart. I made the right choice he was a wise man. He can already guess I am a demon from back in the days. 

"Well, I am a demon from the Tashiro era. Yes 150 years ago. I do not know how I got here but seeing as I do not have the power to do anything about it, I accepted my fate hence why I accepted your offer. My blood demon art consists of blood manipulation and one more i have not yet unlocked. I assume you know demons eat humans but rest assured, I am not like them. I have...developed a trait where I sleep to gain energy. Though I say I am a demon, I feel and think like a human, so I hope you treat me like one too. I do not know of how I got here or what I did during the 150 years. I can't recall my memories." (I JUST SEARCHED UP THE TASHIRO ERA..soo I did some miscalculation, and it was actually around 90 years ago but..for the sake of the story let's say it was 150 years ago!)

"I see, thank you for telling me this. Of course, I will keep this a secret to everyone but, when you have a jonin teacher assigned to your team, I will have to tell them for safety measures. I hope that is okay with you." 

I nodded my head. I didn't know what a "Jonin" was but hearing teacher, I could guess they were high in power. I could understand why he would say that. Someone of that position and amount of power they own could help me and the village in one way or another. 

"Well then, before we go ahead with our plan, I was originally planning to put you into the next year's batch of academy students but, I will test you to see if you qualify to enter this years. Tomorow I'll have you be tutored the basic stuff by a jonin and see if you catch on quickly enough to join this year's batch. Are you okay with that?" 

I nodded my head again. With that he called a ninja over and he escorted me to a house. We entered a big space where the gate had a symbol of a fan I assume. When we entered, I was put in a decent size house. When I walked in, I saw there were barely any decorative Furnitures, but all the essential ones were there. I think that would be fine to me for now. I didn't have a home back then so having one would be nice enough. I took a shower and quickly changed out into the single pajama I saw then went to sleep. It had been one hell long of a day and I needed to recharge. Tomorrow I would finally know what he was talking about when he kept mentioning Jonin. I kept wondering what that was...

HI! This is the author so I am not that great of a writer so if you see anything that doesn't make sense like grammar or something that doesn't make sense to the story, I would highly appreciate if you could point it out so I can become a better writer! 

Also, I can't update this regularly so sometimes I could update every day or sometimes I might be gone for a while. 

I have many ideas as of right now so it should come out every so often. Thank you and enjoy the rest of this story!

 (And please do tell me if you think you would like me to include some pictures or not as I'm not THAT great of a drawer, but some people like to include pictures to give the readers what to think when they read the story so, please do tell me!! :D)

1488 words

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