✧ Cheating..?

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"AYUMI!!" A voice yelled as a blur of blonde hair attempted to tackle Ayumi in a hug. Ayumi swiftly avoided the attack and stared at Ino, who slumped on the ground.

What was it with all the hugs from everyone today?

Shikamaru and Choji walked over who seemed to shake their heads at Ino. "Come on! Do you have to avoid it every time?!" Ino whines as she gets up. Ayumi rolled her eyes in response which Ino sighed to.

Meeting Shikamaru's eyes Ayumi simply nods her head in hello which Shikamaru does back. He was one of the few that Ayumi could tolerate.

"Ah! Yumi!" Everyone turned their heads in the direction of the voice to find that it belonged to Kiba with Hinata and Shino following close behind. Ayumi growled and clenched her teeth to see Kiba walk over with a stupid smirk on his face.

Hinata waved a small hello towards Naruto with a beet-red face while Kiba tried to throw himself all over Ayumi. Sakura was seen arguing with Ino while Shikamaru and Choji were minding their own business, Choji with his prioritization on food making loud crunching noises from his bag of chips, and Shikamaru who observed the scene with a headache knowing making this much noise while surrounded by ninjas who had an itch to fight them would lead to a problem.

"You guys!" A man with pale blue hair tied back into a ponytail, worn-out glasses, wearing basic ninja attire, and his forehead adorned by a headband that read the Konoha symbol came and walked by them.

Ayumi couldn't tell why but her instincts were screaming at her to stay on guard. She had no physical evidence nor any suspicion about this newcomer but for her instincts, one a demon, to strongly oppose this man meant one thing.

He was dangerous.

Sasuke took note of Ayumi's tense body and eyed both her and the newcomer. Naruto approached the new ninja and questioned why he could have yelled for them.

"Hm? Who are you?"

"I'm Kabuto, like you guys a Konoha ninja. As a comrade I wanted to mention that you guys should quiet down, making a ruckus while being young and surrounded by enemies will surely do you no good." While he had a gentle smile on his face, Ayumi could see the hidden malice that leaked out every time he saw one of her friends.

Standing full on guard she failed to notice Sasuke trying to talk to her before he was interrupted by Naruto screaming a loud "wow!"

"That's so cool! Do me do me!" Naruto excitedly said practically jumping up and down. Kabuto gently chuckled and pulled another card out arousing curiosity among the other students of the academy.

Uzumaki Naruto

Photo here

Species: Human, j̶i̶n̶c̶h̶u̶r̶i̶k̶i̶

Rank: Genin

Missions: 26 - D, 3 - C, 1 - B, 0 - A, 0 - S

"Hey, what's that crossed-out text for?" Naruto asked cocking his head at the words he couldn't make out. Everyone looked at Kabuto with curious eyes who didn't respond and only gave a serene smile that gave you the chills.

"Does anyone else wanna see someone?" Kabuto asked.

Naruto pouted for being ignored but nonetheless never lost his excitement. Sasuke eyed Kabuto's response to Naruto and now was suspicious of this man. Somehow even after racking his brain, he has never seen this guy around Konoha even though he seems to claim to be a part of Konoha.

"..Gaara," Sasuke spoke up. Kabuto met his eyes and gave a nod never losing his smile. Pulling the card out Sasuke walked closer to Kabuto which Ayumi noticed and followed suit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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