✧ Moonlight

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3rd POV:

Everything felt so cold and distant to Sasuke. The words, the story he had just heard were pounding in his head and felt like it was crushing his brain. The world spinned as he felt so out of breath like the air around him stole his life source. He couldn't believe what Ayumi had just said to him. How could he say those words to him if she had gone through almost the same thing? To even advise him to give up on revenge was unthinkable. The countless restless nights, the endless tears, the painful memories. All of them tortured him for years. There was not one single day, one single night that he had forgotten the exact moment when Itachi stood behind his parents and ended their life so mercilessly with one slash of a sword. He had trusted Itachi. He loved him more than anyone else. He gave his whole world to him. 

But he brought that down so quickly and easily. With a swish of a sword, everything fell apart. And Ayumi was telling him that he shouldn't kill Itachi? He had filled his resolve with every inch of his life, body, and mind. He could never forgive Itachi, Never.

However, a part of him had a different opinion. His heart spoke to him with whispers he didn't want to hear. He had thought through what would happen when Itachi was killed, but all he could ever see was a pool full of blood and guilt. Just him crying amidst the suffocating air and his image overlapping Itachi's when he killed their parents. His heart cried for him to listen to her. To his moon, someone who had shown him the positive side of life which he desperately wanted to feel. The sun had let him down, it was too bright and it hurt him too much he couldn't trust it anymore. But the moon, it just silently stayed by his side guiding him and understanding him. His mind and heart were broken into two sides his body felt like splitting. He didn't know what to do. 

Sasuke shook with so many emotions he couldn't stand being near anyone right now. He stood up and tried to leave but Ayumi stopped him. He met her eyes which were filled with worry and concern. But most importantly, he could see how she was breaking apart right now. He could see the sharp pain in her eyes and how this talk had made her experience this tragedy all over again. Sasuke wasn't the only one shaking, Ayumi's legs felt like noodles as if they would give out at any moment. She so desperately just wanted to end her life right here and right now. She didn't want to feel these emotions ever again. 

"Sasuke I-" Ayumi started. 

"SHUT UP," Sasuke shouted cutting her off. Ayumi looked at him with widened eyes and her body froze giving Sasuke the moment to rip his arms away from her. 

"SHUT UP SHUT UP  SHUT UP. YOU'RE GIVING ME ADVICE? DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH AYUMI." Sasuke ran his hand through his hair while glaring at her with such menacing eyes. The kind onyx eyes Ayumi loved to stare at endlessly were gone without a trace. At that moment, she couldn't feel as if he was Sasuke. 

"You're pathetic Ayumi. You seem to think that because our situation is somewhat similar you know how I feel and what I had gone through. Don't make me laugh. Your pity story doesn't come close to the tragedy I had to go through. I lost my whole clan, my family, my friends, my everything. I was put through that situation over and over again feeling it with every fiber in my body for so many years. You just lost your idiotic parents who couldn't even defend themselves against one man. Mine was betrayed, yours was killed. There's a clear difference." Sasuke spat out. His heart shook violently breaking apart every word he spoke. He didn't mean this. He didn't want this! But his brain was speaking to him, "everyone's a pawn. Use them."

Ayumi's purple orbs shook with grief hearing someone she trusted so much throw her into the grounds again. She wanted to retort, she wanted to speak against him and defend her parents. But she couldn't. As much as she hated it, she couldn't hate him. She couldn't hate Sasuke enough to go against him. Her words refused to roll off her tongue and she stood there with heartbroken eyes that broke Sasuke. Ayumi silently stared at him biting her lips as blood drew and bled through the sides. Sasuke's eyes faltered at the sight of that but quickly hardened as he turned around. 

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