✧ Chunin

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Ayumi departed for the village at the break of dawn carrying the sleeping little boy who snuggled against her. She groaned and glared at the boy for becoming burdensome but let it go this once for helping her get her resolve. A bit scared but determined she set off on the journey traveling at great speeds. The boy stirred at the sudden pick up of speeds but settled down a while and Ayumi twitched her eye at this. If he were to be a burden the least he could do is wake up. After a while, she arrived at the gates of Konoha and slowly skidded to a stop before turning around and bowing.

"Thank you for watching me in the shadows. I will be sure to repay this to you someday." She could hear the rustles of leaves and sensed the Anbus leave. She turned around once more and entered the gate to Konoha. She was met by the gatekeepers who she bowed to and entered. There were only a few villagers out due to it still being early in the morning. Feeling Isamu stir she set him down as he woke up yawning without a care in the world.

"..uh?" He said as he took in the new environment. He turned around and met Ayumi's eyes which held no emotion as she stood up and turned. He hurriedly got up, rushing to chase after her, which seemed impossible. "Hold on! Where are we?" He asked breathing heavily as she stopped at a grand door to a huge tower. She paused before opening the door and entering.

"Konoha." Isamu's mouth gaped open before realizing that Ayumi had already traveled far away and once again rushed after her. She walked too fast for the little boy but the fact that the boy could follow a trained ninja despite never having been trained was a great feat. Perhaps it was the Uchiha blood he claimed to have within him. He caught up to Ayumi who knocked on the door waiting for an answer.

"Enter." Ayumi walked in as Isamu followed close behind her, hiding behind her back as he peeked out to see an old man smoking and staring at some papers. He moved his eyes towards the girl and then to the boy before turning back to the clutch of papers he held. "You're back, who did you bring with you?" Ayumi bowed before raising her head and replying.

"Sandaime-sama, this little boy claims to be Isamu. Isamu..." Ayumi paused as she hardened her stare and ensured she spoke confidently.


The old grandpa, which now Isamu knew was the sandaime, shot his eyes towards her with a slightly taken aback face. He then moved his stare towards the boy who trembled before bowing.

"Uchiha..?" He asked with a hint of disbelief. Ayumi nodded her head and the sandaime sighed as he looked at the boy moving his eyes up and down his body examining the little boy. "He certainly does have the normal Uchiha features...we won't be too sure until we take a blood sample. Have him stay here for a bit before he can head off. Ayumi, take a rest."

Ayumi glanced at the trembling boy who held onto her at the hem of her clothes. She brought her head up to retort but meeting the Hokage's eyes, she knew better than go against his words. His words were absolute, and going against them in an outsider's presence could cause immense problems. Sighing, she nodded and squeezed the little boy's hands before gripping them off and turning. She could hear the quiet whimpers but seeing as how he wasn't chasing after her, she knew he would be fine.

Guess I should head home...

๋࣭ ⭑⚝ At home

Ayumi swung the door open as it made a creaking noise and stepped in. She set her ninja tool belt on a counter and headed straight for her room to take a short nap. She hadn't been able to sleep very well for days and she was eager to finally let her body rest. She headed into her room before finding a familiar face sleeping in her very own bed. He was sprawled on the sheets and slept with a frowning face. Ayumi sighed as she headed over to wake him but paused to see him shift and grip harshly onto the pillow. She sighed and tucked his black ebony hair behind his ear and crouched to see his face better.

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