✧ The door she opened

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3rd POV:

"Okay! Time for the final contestants. Sato and Uchiha come up here!" Iruka yelled. Both got up and went forward heading left and right to prepare for a battle.

"Finally, a rematch. Ready to be beaten again Sasuke?" Ayumi said while smirking. Sasuke looked at her with an annoyed face.

"It won't be so easy this time Yumi." Ayumi giggled and nodded her head in a teasing way as if saying "Sure sure." Sasuke scowled and the girls gave a huge squeal at how "handsome he looked." Ayumi rolled her eyes and shut them up by glaring at them. She felt an unfamiliar emotion. She felt mad, she wondered what it was. Quickly shaking the feeling off, she got ready in her position. She knew Sasuke was no joke even if she was bragging about her last win. He was someone who could stand equally with her. Sasuke took his position too and all the girls cheered for him.

"Good luck Sasuke-kun!! I LOVE YOU!!!"


Ayumi rolled her eyes and couldn't shake this annoying feeling off. To vent, she would need to blow it off on the source of it all.

"Hey, if you win I'll let you have one wish. But if I win...you're going to listen to something of mine." Ayumi whispered to Sasuke. Sasuke cocked his eyebrow but thought it sounded fun. Being with Ayumi made him forget all the nightmares and his wanting for revenge. He was both grateful and angry with her. He didn't want to stop being vengeful. But, he didn't want to leave someone who he had slightly opened up to. He decided to not think much of it and just blow some steam off during this fight. Afterward, he would decide what to do about these stupid feelings. Sasuke sighed and nodded his head as a sign of "that's fine." She smirked and knew she would work hard to win. She was going to make him pay for these stupid useless feelings he was making her feel.

"And...START!" Iruka yelled. Ayumi quickly took the first move by throwing a jab at Sasuke's left side. He quickly countered it with his arm and took the chance to throw a kick to her right. She acted as if it surprised her slightly and skidded away from him. He noticed this slight movement and seemed to think about something. However, Ayumi didn't give him a chance to complete that thought. She quickly threw a water release jutsu at him which he countered with his fireball jutsu.

"Hm..to counter fire with water, his fire jutsu must be strong. As I thought, he's no ordinary ninja," Ayumi thought to herself. Sasuke quickly repositioned himself and came charging at her and quickly threw some kunai at her. Ayumi swiftly dodged them but let her guard down as Sasuke appeared behind her. She widened her eyes as he landed a punch on her. Or so he thought, Ayumi had disappeared with a poof and was seen to be replaced by a log. She appeared to the side of him and tried to cut him with her fan but Sasuke quickly evaded and caught her arm.

"So, you now got the basics down huh? Impressive, you could barely do a transformation and now you do water releases and substitution."

"Well, I worked hard. Wouldn't want a duckbutt to think he's stronger than me the next time we decide to battle" Sasuke rolled his eyes but smirked. Even if Ayumi had said that she knew her chakra was running low. She was still new to this concept so she was leaking out a lot of unnecessary chakra. She had to end this soon. Ayumi kicked his arm off and got some distance between them. She was going to use her blood art. Sasuke quickly tried to kick her right side taking note of the reaction she had from the last time. Ayumi smirked, he had fallen for her trap. Quickly getting her fan, she cut him right on his arm giving him a slight gash. Sasuke gave a small tch and quickly backed up from her.

"You fell for it, now you're doomed Sasuke," She said while giving a devious smirk. Sasuke gave a perplexed face and tried to attack her again. Unfortunately, Ayumi had used her blood art and froze him right then and there.

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