✧ Vengence.

325 14 2

3rd POV: 

The sun shone brightly as Team 7 made their way deep in the forest with Sakura helping a limping Kakashi to stay as far away as possible from Sasuke. Sasuke took note of this and felt a bit distressed inside. He was glad she wasn't bothering him but did have to admit he was curious about why she was acting this way. He couldn't fully finish the thought as Kakashi called for them to come to where he had decided to be. Sakura helped Kakashi sit on a tree stump as Naruto had a stupid wide smile while talking with Ayumi. Ayumi had a blank face and just ignored the blabbering Naruto. 

"So, first things first. What do you guys know about chakra?" Kakashi asked. Naruto raised his hand brimming with excitement as Ayumi zoned out.

"Chatra is uh..the thing! that....makes jutsus!" Everyone deadpanned at his answer as Sakura sighed and raised her hand. 

"Chakra is the essential thing for a ninja, one uses chakra points in their bodies to manipulate their life source from 2 places, Physical and Spiritual." Kakashi nodded his head to her correct answer. 

"Nicely done, now all of you by now can open up your chakra points and use jutsus, that is the basic skill. To further your power you need to learn how to control how much chakra you emit. Every time a ninja uses one's jutsus they shouldn't release extra chakra as it leads to a faster depletion. In Naruto's case, you leak too much of your chakra that you consume too much. The only reason you didn't die from lack of chakra is because you have a huge chakra reserve." 

"Really?! Heck yeah!! You see that Sasuke??" 

"Don't be too glad just because you have a huge chakra reserve doesn't mean that depleting your chakra at least 40% more than regular ninjas is something to be proud of." Naruto sulked as Sasuke smirked in his direction.

"I wouldn't be too confident either Sasuke, you don't use enough Chakra so your chakra that you build up to use has a leak that you don't put into your jutsus but rather dies out from overthinking too much. Sakura I would say you have good control but you don't have a large chakra reserve." Sakura weakly smiled as Sasuke scowled. Kakashi was hitting them with hard truths. 

"Ayumi you on the other hand.." Everyone listened closely as they all knew Ayumi was strong and had unique skills. They were expecting something out of the ordinary for her. "...you have terrible control and terrible chakra reserves. Honestly, sometimes I'm surprised you don't pass out after using a simple transformation jutsu. You barely have half of your chakra points open so I'm not too worried about how tiny your chakra reserve is but your way of using chakra for jutsus always goes haywire. You either always use too much or too little." Everybody stared in shock before shifting their eyes slightly towards her. They were a bit scared to see how she would handle this. Ayumi hummed as she leaned back not showing any signs of caring. 

"That so." Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura all looked at each other in surprise as they gave a small sigh of relief. 

"So! To train you guys we will climb a tree." Kakashi got up and he limped his way towards a tree as he stepped onto it while Naruto started to speak. 

"But sensei! How is that supposed to help? Climbing trees are the easiest thing to do!" Everyone nodded in agreement as they couldn't grip how climbing a single tree would help with chakra control. 

"I'm not finished. You guys will climb a tree without using your hands." Everyone blinked as they stared. 

"WHAT?! THAT'S JUST IMPOSSIBLE!!" Naruto screamed as he got up and pointed at Kakashi. Kakashi gave an eye smile as he got up and limped his way up the tree using his chakra. He stared at the 4 genins below as they looked shocked. He threw kunai at which Naruto landed on his butt to avoid, Sakura jumped back to avoid it, Sasuke used his kunai to fling off, and Ayumi caught the incoming kunai. 

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