3. Collateral Damage

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"Welcome to Oz~" 

The pink haired boy said with a light smile.
"It's rare for a human to end up here, I haven't met one in hundreds of years. Though I must say, I'm glad it's such a cute human girl." He said with a wink.

"I-I'm sorry who are you? And where the hell is 'Oz' exactly? You asked, ignoring his comment.

"Oh how rude of me, apologies my lady." He said and he bowed down and grabbed your hand, giving it a quick kiss. Never breaking eye contact, he says " My name is Glenn, but I wouldn't mind you calling me master either.~ I'm the wizard that controls the north lands of Oz."

Tate, still being held down by several munchkins, watched the scene with a scowl on his face. ' I'll fucking kill him.' He thought with malice.

"Say, do you know what you've done by coming here?" Glenn asked while grabbing your arm to pull you off the front porch, and walk you to the back of your house.

Tate didn't like this, he couldn't see you now. Who knows what that fowl bumble gum bitch was gonna do to you. " Hey!! You let go of her right now you fuckin pervert!" Tate yelled, he freed his arm by elbowing someone in the face and tried to fight his way free. But failed when he was held down by four more munchkins. They put a muzzle on him, " there that should keep the yapper quiet for a while." One of the munchkins said with a laugh. Then another one came with a dog collar and leash.

This was not the kind of welcoming he was expecting......

You went around to the back of the house and you didn't expect to see what you did.

Watching in horror, you saw a large amount of blood splattered all over the ground and on the wall of your house. The only other thing that laid there was a pair of black and white striped socks, stained in blood, and a pair of bright red, sparkling heels.

'How did tha-' your thoughts were interrupted by Glenn's sugar coated voice.

"Your house simply crushed her to death. Bones and all, smashed. Wes is not gonna like this." He sighed, but showing no particular emotion, just watching for your reaction.

' I killed someone? But it was an accident right? It's not like I actually meant to do it. I'm not a murderer....' you thought conflicted. You did feel guilty, whether it was an accident or not.

"I'm so sorry that I killed that lady, but you have to understand it was an accident-" you were once again cut off. 'If I get cut off one more time....'

"Oh love, there's no need to apologize. The woman you killed was a witch, not a very good one at that. If anything, you did me a favor. Now the east is up for grabs." He said with a smile on his face while looking at you.

" Well... then I'm glad I could help? Listen, I'm glad I did you a favor and all but I'm just trying to get back home. I don't belong here... and I need to see if my family is okay." You said with a serious look.

" Hm, well I suppose I do owe you for helping me out... alright I'll tell you how to get home. You might be able to visit the Wizard in the Emerald City. He rules the central part of Oz. He should be able to get you home." You couldn't help but notice how Glenn spoke with a certain distaste for this mysterious wizard.

" How would I even get there? I've never been there before, I would have no clue where to start." You questioned.

He tilted his head to the side and smiled at you, as if the answer was obvious. " Just follow the yellow brick road dearie, you'll find your way. Though I must warn you...."  He said as he stepped closer and grabbed a strand of your hair.

Before he could say any more, there were sounds of screaming coming from the front of the house, and the sound of a small explosion. He grabbed your arm, and pulled you close to him. When you blinked, you were surrounded by pink, then when you blinked again, you were standing in front of your house. You stood confused and were about to question it, when you noticed someone you hadn't seen before. 

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