12. Don't Worry Darling

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With Y/n

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With Y/n...

"Home? What d-" you started to ask, but were cut off. The male grabbed your hand, interlocking your fingers, and once again started to sprint through the woods.

"W-wait! Slow the fuck down a little, will ya?!" You yelled, while tree leaves smacked you in the face. This man was fast, like stupidly fast. You could barely keep up, but he didn't seem like he was phased at all.

Your pleas went unheard as the man ignored you and continued to run.


2 hours later...

Noticing your tired state, the male in front of you had slowed his pace. Your legs burned from running for so long, and you swear your lungs were about to give out.

"Tired?" He asked teasingly, already knowing the answer.

"Me? No, not at all..." you said, slouched over and gasping for air.

The male simply laughed at your response, and stepped closer to you, extending his hand.

"My name is Leon, what might yours be?" he asked smiling.

'This guy just kidnapped me and now he's trying to make small talk?' you thought in your head.

And then, a sudden realization hit you. If this "Leon" guy was willing to be friendly, you could use it to your advantage and maybe get away. You'd been on the run long enough to know that he was indeed alone. 'I may have a real shot at this...'

"Y/n...." you answered hesitantly.

"Pretty name for such a pretty lady." He said, smirking at you.

You had to stop yourself from rolling your eyes.

Now that you had stopped moving, you took the chance to fully look at your capture.

The moonlight was all the light that was provided, so you struggled to see much. He was tall and had a lean figure, that much you could tell. Long hair flowed down his back and there was something placed atop his head? Hm, you weren't sure what they were.

You hadn't realized how long you'd just been standing there, staring at him. That was until you saw Leon waving his hands in front of your face.

"You still with me, love? I know I'm gorgeous and all but-"

"What are those?" you asked, cutting him off before he could finish his sentence.

"What's what?" he asked confused.

"Those." you said, pointing to the top of his head.

He turned around and looked behind him, then faced you with a confused expression.

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