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A/n: Y/n's Balcony view/ the City of Therion ^^

A/n: Y/n's Balcony view/ the City of Therion ^^

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12 Hours Later....
Y/n's pov:

'Where the fuck am I?'

That was your first thought as your eyes fluttered open and you realized, you were no longer in the forest.

You now found yourself laying in a large, soft, bed with cream colored sheets. The room you were in was very extravagant, with gold accents on the walls and on every accessory. A large balcony was placed in the room, allowing lots of sunshine to seep in. Your ankle was hurting like hell, but when you looked down at it you were surprised to see that it was wrapped?

'That's strange...' you thought, also finding it odd that you were alone. 'I wonder where Leon went....'

Mustering up all the strength you could, you got out of bed and tried to walk towards the balcony. You let out a quiet whimper as you accidentally put too much pressure on your ankle, though the pain was wiped from your mind as you looked at your balcony view in shock. 

Your room was placed thousands of feet up, and you could see buildings similar to the one you were in, all around. The architecture almost looked ancient, and you gasped a little when you looked closer and realized....this entire city was placed inside a cave.

Feeling a little scared of the heights, you stepped away from the balcony, and that's when your eyes caught sight of a mirror. You no longer wore the little blue dress you had on, instead you were dressed in a small white nightgown. You panicked when you completely forgot about the ruby shoes, but calmed down when you saw them placed by the bed.

You walked over to the shoes and held them in your hands, examining the beautiful heels up close. You could feel the powerful aura the shoes were emanating, it was obvious why Wes would want them so badly....

You knew it would be a while before you'd be able to wear the shoes again, due to your injury, so you simply slid them under the bed to hide them.

Then suddenly, you heard a knock at the door.

In came an older lady, wearing a maid's uniform from what you could tell. She had grey hair kept up in a bun, and kind blue eyes with wrinkles around them. You could tell she seemed like a serious- type of woman.

"My name is Margaret, I'll be getting you ready for the dinner service." she said with a bow.

"Dinner service? What for? What is this place?" you asked, confused.

"I'm sorry Dear but we must hurry. There's no time to waste, we must get you ready, Immediately!" She rushed, taking your hand, then leading you out of your room into the hall.

"Wait! What Dinner service are you talking about?! I don't even know where I am!" You yelled, hoping to get some answers.

Before you could get any though, the old lady stopped at a door, then pushed it open and rushed you both inside.

😍⚠️STUCK IN OZ 👠🦁 Where stories live. Discover now