10. You.

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"Hey guys can we take a break? My legs are killing me

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"Hey guys can we take a break? My legs are killing me." you asked, exhausted from the several hours of walking.

The sun had started to go down, and very little sunlight remained. You were all deep in the forest now, trees surrounding you for what seemed like miles. The wind was getting colder, and creatures of the night could be heard all around. You had to admit, these woods at night were terrifying.

"Yeah, we should probably stay put for the night. It's too dark to see or go anywhere." Ty said.

"I second that." Tate said, sitting on the ground and leaning against a tree.

"In that case, I'll go look around for some fire wood." Sora said, starting to walk into the woods by himself.

"Wait, I'll come too." you spoke up. What? You weren't gonna let him wander into the dangerous woods alone..... not that you'd be much help anyway.

Sora's eyes widened a little, not expecting you to come with him. "O-oh yeah! Sure." he said, sending you a small smile. You had never gotten to spend time alone together before...

"Don't wander too far y/n, be careful." Tate said with a stern voice. 

You gave Tate a smile and said, "Don't worry, I'll have Sora with me!" You then linked arms with him, pulling him close to your body.

Luckily for Sora, it was too dark for anyone to see the very obvious red starting to flush his cheeks.

"Tch, yeah." Tate said under his breath so you wouldn't hear.

And with that, you disappeared into the woods with Sora....


In his castle....

Wes was pacing back and forth, mumbling to himself, and well... going a little crazy.

"How the fuck am I supposed to get those shoes if I can't. even. fucking. touch. them!" he yelled to himself, while tossing things around the room in a rage.

He was going to just bring you with him, shoes and all. However, that was going to be difficult if you're constantly surrounded by other people.

Turning his attention to the giant crystal ball, placed in the middle of the room, he walked over to it and ran his hand across the glass.

Suddenly, the ball changed from its dull, grey color and lit up. There you were, walking through the woods with some guy by your side. It looked dark around you, and you seemed to be looking for something.

As much as Wes wanted to take action now, he knew to restrain himself. He could tell what forest you were in based on the type of trees, and different species surrounding you. Which meant he knew where you would be heading next...  the fields of the poppy.

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