16. Reunited

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"What..... the guy......?"


"How....we........without Y/n.......?"

Hushed whispers could be heard around Y/n as she tried to sleep that night. The rain had ceased, but it was still too quiet to understand what was fully being said, but it sounded as if someone was having a conversation. One that clearly involved her.

And the unfortunate thing?

The voices seemed to come from on top of the bridge, the same one you were currently resting under....

Was it the palace guards? Had they finally come to take Leon and you away? Fear filled your mind at the thought of having to return to that wretched kingdom. But, you knew your fear would only continue to increase the longer you sat there.

You sat up and turned towards Leon, beginning to lightly shake his shoulders, hoping it'd wake him. But when it didn't, you started to shake him more aggressively.

He slowly opened his eyes, only for them to be met with your panicked expression.

"Wh-" he began to ask, but you cut him off by smacking a hand over his mouth.

Leon looked at you confusedly, with an eyebrow raised. He couldn't help but think of the first time he saw you and how you'd met under these same exact actions, causing him to have a light blush at the thought.

You brought a finger to your lips, hinting for him to stay quiet, and then raised your finger in the air, pointing towards the top of the bridge.

That's when he heard it.

Two, no, three voices could be heard, mumbling to one another, all seeming to be male.

Before you and Leon could plan what to do, one of the males unexpectedly jumped down from the bridge, their back now facing you. Leon, being quick to react, pushed you behind him and stood protectively, narrowing his eyes at the figure.
Sure, he wasn't in the best shape right now.... But that didn't matter. You were his mate, protecting you was the only thing that mattered, no matter the costs.

Taking a moment to peek over Leon's shoulder, your eyes landed on the figure that stood just a few feet away. It was dark, but you could vaguely see that the person wore a red shirt and a straw hat.

'No way, it couldn't be....' you thought, while your eyes widened.

"Sora?" you called out, shock evident in your voice.

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