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Okay, I know a lot of you are probably going to be really disappointed to hear this, but I've decided to discontinue this story.

This was the first book i ever tried to write, and I will always be grateful for it "putting me out there"... but I just know I'm capable of making something so much better.

This story has definitely had its ups and downs... but I'd like to try and write something that people really enjoy, something I can actually say I'm proud to make... and unfortunately this is just not it😭.

I hope you all understand, and I'm really sorry for the let down!! I know a lot of people were looking forward to finishing this story, but I think it'd be better for me to try and move on to make something else.

To all of you who continued to read my story up to this point, thank you for all the support. Again, I am sorry, but I promise to try and write something better and not let this deter me!!

Thank you all
~Yandere Haven

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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