11. That One time I Got Kidnapped in the Woods

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Sometime throughout the night, Tate had rolled onto his side, so you were no longer stuck in his tight grasp

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Sometime throughout the night, Tate had rolled onto his side, so you were no longer stuck in his tight grasp. You moved over some and laid on your back, flat on the ground. It was hard to get comfortable, but eventually you fell asleep peacefully.... well until you felt your hair being lightly pulled.

You opened your eyes, and let out a gasp, but it was quickly cut off by a hand covering your mouth. Bright green eyes met your e/c ones, his eyes weren't the kind of neon green Wes had, no these were much lighter. Almost like the color of nature on a sunny day.

'What the fuck!! Who the hell is this?!' you panicked in your head. You shifted your eyes over towards Tate, who was sleeping peacefully a few feet away. 'Could I reach him? Maybe, but...'

You looked back at the stranger, who had a small strand of your hair in his hand, placed in front of his nose. Fear spread through your body and you felt a tear slide down your cheek., was this guy a pervert, a murderer, or maybe a cannibal!?

Your thoughts were stopped when he removed his hand from covering your mouth. He placed a finger up to his lips and shushed you, while tilting his head to the right. You knew he meant for you to follow him, but should you really do that?

'What's it gonna be y/n....Scream and possibly get everyone killed, or follow him and maybe everyone will live?" you thought out in your head.

Regardless of the option you chose, you could never be 100% certain of the outcome. You had no idea what this guy was capable of, or if he was even alone, and you weren't going to put everyone else in danger. If you follow him, you may die, but everyone else would live...

You sat up, teary eyed as you gave the boys around you one last glance. You then stood up as quietly as you could, and followed behind the man into the woods.

Once you had gained enough distance between you and the group, the stranger grabbed your wrist and started to sprint through the woods.

"W-wait! Where are you taking me, dammit?! Stop!" you yelled, trying to rip your wrist free from his grasp.

The man stopped, and turned to look at you. He had a confused expression on his face, almost like you had asked a stupid question. He then softened his gaze and took a step closer to you, so you then took a step back.

This continued until you felt your back hit a tree, meaning you couldn't take anymore steps backwards. The male was right in front of you, and you were honestly scared of what he might do.

'Did I screw up? Aw shit y/n why couldn't you just keep your mouth shut.'

You were pulled out of your frightened thoughts, when you felt him place a soft kiss to your forehead and put his hand on your cheek lovingly. You had never seen someone stare at you so intensely before.

"Dear, I'm taking you home."



A few hours later....

"Hey, wake up."




"Wake the hell up already!"

"What the fuck, dude?" I said, waking up to see Ty's pissed off face looking down at me.

"Y/n's gone."

For a second, it felt like all the air left my body. I sat up as my head moved from right to left, eyes searching everywhere for my y/n... but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Wha-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence. Sora suddenly pounced on top of me, and sent a nasty punch across my face.

"You mother fucker!" He yelled, grabbing the collar of my shirt and screaming once more. "You were sleeping right. Fucking. NEXT to her!!How could you let her get taken so easily?!"

Ty sighed, and put his cigarette out. He stepped behind Sora, and quickly threw him off of me.

"Cut that shit out."  Ty said, giving Sora a glare.

"Now, what makes you think y/n was even taken?" Ty asked, standing in between Sora and I.

"You're saying she left?" I asked.

"No. No, no, no y/n wouldn't do that." Sora said, upset from Ty's suggestion.

"It's a possibility. I mean, what if poor y/n heard what you two were whispering about yesterday?" Ty said, sending the us both an all-knowing smirk.

"Did you tell her?" I asked him, with venom in my voice.   'If he was the reason Y/n left me..... I don't even want to think about what I'd do to him.'

"Of course not." Ty replied calmly.

"Then, what's your game?" Sora asked, now extremely suspicious of Ty .

Ty shook his head and sighed to himself, " You wouldn't get it. Listen, I'm offering you my help. You want her to get attached right, and give her reasons to stay? Well, I'll be one more reason."

"No. Absolutely not-" Sora said sternly.

"Hold on." I said, cutting Sora off. " I think we should reconsider."

"What?" he asked, like I was crazy.

" He's right. Why should we refuse the help? Ty's saved Y/n before, and I'm confident he'd do it again. He'd be helpful Sora." I tried to explain.

"Sora, you've known me a while. You gotta trust me." Ty said, trying to convince the stubborn male.

That was the problem though. Sora didn't know Ty hardly at all. He remembers everything about working on the farm, but before that.... Nothing.

The more he thought about it, the more he thought Tate may be right. If Ty could really help win Y/n's affection, then it'd be worth it. Plus, if he really wanted to tell y/n about everything, he would've already done it.

"Fine." Sora agreed, though he didn't seem particularly thrilled about it.

"Alright, it's settled then.. Ty's in." I said, standing up off the ground. "Now enough dicking around, let's go get our girl back.

 "Now enough dicking around, let's go get our girl back

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To be continued...
Let me know what you guys think in the comments <3

And if you haven't already, check out my other story, "MY DOLL" ❤️ enjoy~

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