14. A Not-So-Cowardly Lion

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"I'm sorry, what?" you said, not believing what your ears were hearing

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"I'm sorry, what?" you said, not believing what your ears were hearing.

"That's right, you are to wed my son in three days." The King said, no real emotion evident in his voice.

You looked over at Leon for answers, to see if this was all true....but when his eyes wouldn't meet your gaze, you knew it was.

Rage filled your entire body. If there was one thing that pissed you off more than anything, it was people telling you what to do.

"No." you said sternly, sending the King a glare.

The room fell silent, everyone's faces turning into shock at your statement. No one refused the King, not if they valued their life that is...

"Y/n...." you heard Leon whisper your name worriedly, though you ignored him.

"Care to, repeat that?" The king said, taken aback by your refusal.

"You heard me, I said no." you repeated, holding your head high.

The kings expression darkened, and his features hardened. You took a moment to sneak a glance at Leon, and as soon as you did, you wished you hadn't. His complexion was paler and his body was trembling. This was no longer the flirty male you met in the woods, no, right now he looked more like a scared little kid.

"Hey, are you-" you started, but didn't get to finish your sentence, before your arms were roughly grabbed by two strong guards.

"H-Hey!! Put me down!" you fought, struggling in their grasp as much as possible. Though your attempts were useless, there was no way you were getting out of this one. You hoped Leon would come to your rescue, but judging by his expression, you knew it wouldn't happen.

They carried you towards the king, and threw you on the ground by his feet. Your knees and palms crashed against the hard marble floor, and your ankle began to, once again, sear in pain. You let out a cry as the king harshly grabbed your hair, and pulled you closer to his face.

"Do you know what happens to young girls who don't do what they're told?" he asked, examining your pained expression. "They get punished."


The sound of the kings hand smacking against your cheek echoed throughout the entire room. Your body quickly fell to the side, surprised from the sudden attack. You raised your hand to your mouth, only to find small droplets of blood falling from your lips.

"I don't know where your from girl."the king spat, rising from his chair. " But here... peasants do as they're told." He said, now standing above your body with his foot raised in the air, ready to slam it down on you at any second.

"Now, shall we try this one more time?" he said with a smile, though you knew it was a wicked one.

" Fuck you." you spat, not ready to give up just yet.

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