9. The Deal

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"No point in going back to the cabin now, Wes knows where it is

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"No point in going back to the cabin now, Wes knows where it is." You sighed as you dried your wet cheeks.

"You're right, we should probably hit the road anyway." Ty said while rubbing the back of his neck, it was too early for all this shit.

'Hey wait a minute....' with everything that just happened you didn't realize, you had no idea where your heels were. You had taken them off when you went to sleep with Tate, but you didn't put them on when you left this morning. Meaning, they were all alone at the cabin waiting for Wes to find them.

"Shit, we can't leave yet! I have to go back to the cabin." You started to walk in the way of the cabin, but someone grabbed your wrist, stopping you from leaving.

"Looking for these?" There they were in all their beauty, being casually held in Sora's hand.

You sighed a breath of relief and hugged Sora as a quick "thank you". Tate didn't like it, but he'd tolerate you being close with the other two if it meant you'd stay in Oz.

Sora had a slight pink hue on his face as you backed away. After sliding the ruby shoes on, you and the boys walked your way back to the main road.


   Hours had passed as you continued to walk along the golden road. It was silent most of the trip, but every now and then you'd hear the boys whispering behind you. You didn't pay much attention to it thought since it meant you would have time to think....

What were you really gonna do? You'd love to go home and see Aunt Em and Uncle Henry again.... but what about Tate? He was human here, and you would never want to take that from him. If you were him, you don't think you could go back to being a dog, not after experiencing human life....

And then there's the wizard in Emerald City, who's to say this guy would even help you?

'Earlier, when I was with Glenn... he said he was going to warn me about something.' you remembered in your head. Maybe it would be a better idea to stay wary of this guy, if Glenn seemed uneasy about something you weren't going to ignore it.

Noticing you were in deep thought, Tate took the opportunity to talk with Ty and Sora. He slowed down a little so he could walk behind you, without you hearing what he had to say. Sora walked to the right of him, while Ty was just a few steps ahead to his left.

"Hey..." Tate mumbled.

"Hm, what is it?" Sora asked bored, the mutt had never struck a conversation with him so why now?

"Shh, look I need your help with something."

"Oh? And what might that 'something' be?" Sora asked, lowering his voice. He didn't like Tate all that well, but he did see how much he cared for you, and he could respect that... because he shared a similar feeling.

"I want you to help me keep y/n here." Tate whispered, eyes locked on your form, making sure you didn't hear anything.

Sora wasn't shocked to hear this. In fact, he had seen it coming. Originally, he figured Tate would want to get you out of Oz and away from everyone else. Though, who would want to live like a dog again?

Ty took out a cigarette and lit it, he may have seemed like he wasn't paying attention, but he was very observant. He kept his eyes on you, but focused his ears on everything Tate was telling Sora.

"Hmm" humming in thought, as if he didn't already know his answer, Sora put a hand under his chin and looked up at the sky. With a smile he thought of all the positives that would come out of keeping you here.

1. He'd get to see you every day
2. That's enough for him

"Well...?" Tate said, waiting for Sora's reply.

"How exactly do you plan on doing that?" Sora asked Tate curiously. If he was gonna agree to do this, he needed more assurance it would work.

"Simply earn her affection." Tate said like it was a stupid question.

'Simple, yeah right....' Sora deadpanned.

"Spend time with her, get her attached, and give her more reasons to stay..." Tate whispered in further detail.

"What are you two whispering about?" You asked the two boys talking behind you.

Tate's heart dropped for a second, and he started to panic. Had you heard what he said? He could've just ruined everything, god you were gonna-

"Hm? Just telling him a little about Em City is all." Sora replied casually with a smile.

Tate glanced at Sora, he was shocked but he knew better than to let it show on his face. He internally calmed down and looked at you for a response.

Not thinking much of it, you returned the smile and simply said "Oh, okay." you faced forward and lightly hummed a small tune to yourself.

Ty, having heard enough of the conversation, had an idea where it was going. He walked next to you and made small talk, letting the other two finish their plans. 'Maybe, just maybe I'll get in on this too.'

Seeing Ty trying to keep you distracted, Sora continued the conversation with Tate. "What makes you think I would even want in on this? Why should I want to keep her here?" He said, not even looking at Tate.

"Y/n... how can I put it... she has a way of just pulling you in." That made Sora eye him, waiting for his next words. "You may think I'm crazy, but I see the way you look at her too." Tate said.

Sora's lips curled up into a smile, he knew exactly what Tate meant. " You caught me, I can't say I'm against the idea. I'll help, but you'll have to share." He taunted.

"I think that's fair..." Tate agreed, even though he wasn't particularly happy about it, he needed the help.

"I've got one last question though." Sora said, his smile gone as he looked at Tate.


"What happens if she still wants to leave?" Sora asked.

"Don't be stupid, how could she ever want to leave us?"

"Don't be stupid, how could she ever want to leave us?"

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To be continued...
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