4. Star Struck

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Before Wes could attack you, Glenn quickly grabbed onto your arm, and just like before, there was a flash of pink then you were inside a cottage somehow

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Before Wes could attack you, Glenn quickly grabbed onto your arm, and just like before, there was a flash of pink then you were inside a cottage somehow.

You weren't going to lie, you were a little scared. This was all hitting you so fast you've barely had time to really process everything. Plus now you have a crazy wizard trying to kill you? You aren't really sure....

"Listen to me..." Glenn said as he grabbed your chin with a serious look on his face. "It won't be long before Wes finds us. Follow the yellow bricked road and it'll lead you straight to Em city. Wes will most likely keep looking for you, but no matter what you must never give him the shoes on your feet!" He proclaimed. 

Glenn reached into the pink pocket of his suit and pulled out a necklace with pink cherries on it. It was so short it almost looked like a choker. He placed it on your neck, and you gave him a confused look.

" Whenever you need any assistance, just call my name and I'll be there. Be careful, this world is filled with vile creatures." He said while placing a quick kiss to your forehead.

'I don't know why this guy is being so... caring? We literally just met.... But whatever I'm not about to refuse the help." You subconsciously thought.

Glenn looked at you with a soft smile and snapped his fingers. And In an instance, all you saw was pink.

"Be safe, my sweet y/n."

Funny, you don't remember telling him your name?



Next thing you know, you're standing on the golden road, surrounded by trees and you're completely alone.

'No point in standing around I guess..' you thought as you began to walk. You had only been walking a few minutes, when out of nowhere a giant pink bubble appeared a few feet next to you.


Sitting there was Tate with a slight irk mark on his face, rubbing the back of his head." That damn bubble gum bitch I swear I'm gonna...." you heard him uttering to himself.

"Uh Tate? You alright?" you asked.

Tate whipped his head around in an instant, just now noticing your presence. His shoulders relaxing when seeing your figure. He stood and walked over to you with a strange look on his face.

'Why can I still smell that bastard?' Tate wondered in his head.

He came closer and closer to you until you were only a few inches apart. He stooped his head down closer to your ear and started to lightly sniff your hair, slowly trailing down to your neck." T-Tate what are you doing?" you asked, embarrassment clear in your voice .

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