8.You're Ours <3

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With the boys

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With the boys.....

Tate lied in bed, still half asleep, but awake enough to remember to wait for you to come back. He thought about you, and how he would convince you to stay in Oz.

'I could use Sora to help me. The more people keeping her from leaving the better right? I'll just give her more reasons to stay...' Tate lazily thought in his head. He was starting to fall asleep again, his mind fuzzy with thoughts of you, but that stopped when he felt this pit in his stomach. 'Y/n?!'

He could feel all the hair on his body rise, his heart started pounding, and he felt something was horribly wrong. He couldn't explain it, but something was urging him to get up and look for you right now. In a second, Tate's eyes shot open and he rushed out of the old bed. When he stepped out of the bedroom, he saw the two other guys still sleeping.

"Wake up, y/n's in trouble." Tate yelled as he lightly kicked Sora on the ground.

"Oww, what the hell?" Sora said while rubbing his arm where Tate kicked him.

He didn't get any answers though because Tate had already dashed through the front door to the cabin, leaving the door wide open.

Sora looked at Ty for any answers, but saw him also quickly getting up to follow after Tate. "Well don't just sit there idiot, did you not hear what he said? Y/n's in trouble." That was all he said before running outside.

After hearing those words, Sora felt a tight feeling in his chest... and he didn't like it. He didn't know why he was so attached to you, it was rather odd to be this fond of someone after knowing them only a short time, no? He didn't care right now, what mattered what making sure you were safe. After sliding his shoes on, he followed in the direction he saw Ty run in. He just hoped he'd make it to you in time...
Back with y/n.....

When two familiar green eyes met your e/c ones, you knew you were fucked. You tried to get back up on your feet, but failed when you only made it to your knees. There was a bright green aura surrounding your body, and you knew Wes was using his magic on you.

"No no, I like you better down there." He said with a smirk, you could tell he was enjoying watching you below him.

He towered over you as you sat on your knees in front of him. You hated feeling this way in front of him, it was humiliating. You could talk still, but you knew it would only get you into more trouble, so you kept your mouth shut and sent him the most chilling glare you could.

The man placed a hand under your chin, examining your face up close. That expression on your face is amazing, I'm looking forward to seeing more of it." After he said that, he stepped away and you rose to your feet. You began walking beside him, against your will, honestly you felt like a puppet being controlled by strings.

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