7. An Unexpected Encounter

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Tate's pov:

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Tate's pov:

Tate tried to sleep, he really did. Truth being, his head was fucking killing him and a nap could do some good.... But how could he sleep with his beloved so close to him?

He loved watching you get undressed. From the split second you changed from your dress to a big T-shirt, Tate had memorized every beautiful curve to your body. He liked how smooth your legs looked in the slight moonlight, he loved how easily your hair fell down your back, he loved absolutely everything.

Watching you finish up, he quickly shut his eyes. He did not want to have that conversation if you saw he was awake.... He heard your footsteps as you crept over to the bed, and felt excitement rising in his chest. He felt the dip in the bed as you slowly got under the covers, but why are you so far away from him? Oh no, that simply won't do....

He waited until your breathing became slower and he could tell you were asleep. Then, he pulled you close to him, being careful not to wake you though.

As he played with your hair, he thought about his life. Was he really okay going back to being a dumb dog? No, no he didn't think so... even if he had to get help, he'd find a way for you to stay in Oz, find a way for you to stay with him...

Y/n's pov:

You awoke to the feeling of something hard pressed against your forehead. When you opened your eyes, you saw Tate's chest right in your face. One arm was wrapped around you, keeping you in place, and making it hard to move.

'Uhhh..... I don't remember falling asleep like this?' You thought in your head, embarrassingly.

Gently, you placed your hand on Tate's arm, trying to lift it off of you. As soon as you touched him though, he tightened his grip around you, pushing you even closer to him.

"Where are you going?" He whispered, pulling you even closer. His voice was raspy and you could definitely tell he just woke up.

'Why do I feel like I'm trying to sneak out of a one night stand...' you thought. "No where, I was just going to see if the other two were up." You lightly said. Really, you just weren't comfortable being this close to a guy. Not many boys your age lived near you back in Kansas, you had never had any kind of romantic experiences because of that.

Seeming to believe your excuse, Tate lifted his arm off of you, allowing you to get up. You walked to the bedroom door, about to leave, until you heard Tate say, " Come back soon, mkay?"

'He must still be out of it...' you smiled at the boy.

You left the room and saw Sora, snoring softly on the floor while Ty was on the couch, his back facing you.

You didn't really feel like going back and sleeping with Tate, but you also didn't want to wake the other two yet. So, you went outside. The sun had just risen and it was still very early.

Tip- Toeing to the front door, you quickly opened the door and went outside. The sunshine from outside seeped into the house for a moment, but not enough to wake the two boys.

You stepped outside, giving your eyes a second to adjust to the bright sunlight. The birds were chirping and there was a rainbow in the sky, this place looked like a total dream. You heard the sound of water nearby, so you decided to go towards it. You hadn't bathed since you'd been here, and none of the boys were up so now would be the perfect time right?

You walked for about 5 minutes until you found the source. Right there was a beautiful waterfall, with the most clearest water you've ever seen. Why? Because it's Oz duh...

 Why? Because it's Oz duh

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Pic of waterfall^^

Just being extra cautious, you looked around to see if there happened to be people nearby. To your luck, all you saw were animals. You knew better than to go somewhere alone with your heels on, so you left them back at the cabin with Tate. Dipping your toes in the water first, you were shocked to find that it was rather warm.

'Well I'm not going to walk around smelling like ass....' You thought to yourself. You quickly stripped out of your dress and left your clothes on a rock to the side.

You swam around in the water, actually enjoying yourself. 'This is the most relaxed I've felt in a long time.' Sadly, your bath was interrupted by the feeling of something. The feeling of someone watching you.

Your eyes scanned the area around you, waiting for the slightest rustle in a bush or a shadow by a tree. But nothing. Thinking you're being paranoid, you brush it off and continue washing yourself.

It was silent for a minute, but then you heard a twig snap to your left. 'Nope, fuck this.' This world, although beautiful, it is also extremely dangerous. You weren't going to stick around and find out what was making you feel so uneasy.

You swam to the opposite side of the noise, luckily that's where your clothes were. Practically running out of the water, you hid behind a rock and dressed yourself as quickly as you could.

Once your dress was on, you began to run in the direction of the cabin, you could hear something coming after you and it sounded close. 'It only took me 5 minutes to get to the waterfall walking, so I should be there in no time!' You thought to yourself in a panic.

Having hope that you'd make it to the boys in time, you pushed yourself to run even faster. You ran and ran until you felt something harsh around your ankle. It felt like a hand wrapping around you, and the next thing you knew you were tumbling to the ground.

You landed harshly and you could feel the blood dripping down your knee. Flipping yourself over to see what had attacked you, your eyes filled with horror as they were met with bright green eyes.

—————————————————————————-To be continued

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To be continued....
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