6. The Sleep Over

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"You look like you need savin princess

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"You look like you need savin princess."

You looked up at your savior, and couldn't help but stare in awe at the light silver shade of his skin. No seriously, this dudes skin was literally glistening in the sun....

'AH, MY EYES!!'  You cried in your head.

He helped you steady your feet, and asked if you had been injured anywhere. 'Woah this dude is freakishly tall' you thought as you stood next to him. You averted your eyes to keep them from looking at his chest too much since you were eye level with it.

" No, I think I'm alright." You looked at your wrists where the tree had its bark wrapped around you, and you could see light scratches with blood, but nothing too worrying. "How could I ever repay you?" You asked, if not for this man you could very possibly have been dead right now.

"Hm? Don't worry about it, couldn't just let ya die in front of me could I?" He said casually but with a deep voice.

"No I guess not..." you said with a soft smile. "What's your name?" You asked intrigued, by the mystery man. You weren't going to admit it... but this guy was devilishly handsome, almost in a Dilf sort of way.... 'and he isn't even that old!' You simped in your head.

"Ty!?" You turned your head and saw Sora standing there, Tate's body was leaning on his shoulder and you could tell we was unconscious.

"Sora?" Ty asked with a shocked look on his face.

"Tate!" You yelled as you quickly ran over to him and Sora.

'That look....' Sora's eyes widened ever so slightly. He wouldn't admit it to anyone else, but he loved the look on your face right now. That look of fear....what a beautiful expression you had. 'More.... I want more...'

Snapping out of his thoughts, he laid Tate gently down on the ground so you could take a closer look at him. He didn't care much about Tate's well being, he thought the guy was an asshole and way too protective over you, but if it meant you would warm up to him more, he'd put up with whatever. 

You checked Tate's body for any serious wounds. First you checked his face, which seemed to have a large gash at the top of his forehead. It was bleeding profusely, but you didn't know anyone around you that could help! You don't think you could get through this without him...

"Tate!? Can you hear me? Of fuck!! Damnit, there's no way he can hear me! Stupid!" You said smacking yourself on the head. "Sora, help me! Please, I-I don't know what to do." You said teary eyed, as you held onto one of his arms.

For a moment, it seemed as if time had stopped for Sora. The way your voice cracked slightly with worry, the look your giving him right now as your begging for him to help you, it was such a turn on. And he didn't know if he could hold himself back.
'Shit not here, not now....' He cursed to himself as his mind started to fill with dirty thoughts.

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