17. Heartless

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Once you had reached the small stream, Ty placed you down near the water and sat beside you, gently taking the ruby shoes off your feet and placing them to the side

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Once you had reached the small stream, Ty placed you down near the water and sat beside you, gently taking the ruby shoes off your feet and placing them to the side.

You hadn't planned on wearing them at all, but you knew running around bare footed would be worse. So, you just had to grit and bare through the pain.

With the moonlight shining on your skin, you could start to see the swelling and purple bruises that littered around your ankle. You had to admit, it wasn't a pretty sight...

You casually let the limb fall into the water, the coldness of it causing shivers to run down your spine. It took awhile to adjust to, but eventually you felt your foot start to numb, easing the pain you had felt.

Silence overtook you both as you sat there. Ty continued to steal glances your way, the small frown never leaving his face. You noticed this and decided to speak up, feeling a little guilty for making him worry so much.

"It's not as bad as it looks, I swear." you said, laughing a little to try and lighten the mood.

Ty just let out a sigh and gave you a worried look. "You really should take better care of yourself Y/n." he said, pulling a cigarette from his pocket and lighting it.

You understood him being concerned, really you did...but it's not like you planned for this to happen! However much he disliked it...you could promise him, it bothered you more.

"I know." you settled on saying with a shrug.

He took a drag from his cigarette, the smoke from his breath disappearing with the wind. It was once again silent between the two of you, nothing but the sounds of water and creatures of the night were left to fill the atmosphere

"Hey, Ty?" you asked suddenly.

"Hm?" he hummed to let you know he was listening.

"When you asked to join us, I didn't give it much thought and pretty much agreed straight away, but..." you drifted off, curiosity flaring in your eyes. "Why did you come? What's waiting for you in the Emerald City?" you asked, recalling him mentioning it a while back.

If Ty was surprised by your question, he didn't show it. He didn't say anything, he just positioned himself on the ground so he was facing you, and held his hand out.

"Give me your hand." he said.

You raised a brow and gave Ty a confused look, before slowly placing your hand in his. He grabbed your hand and placed it on his chest, holding his hand over yours to keep it in place.

A blush overtook your face at his bold action, and you were about to question him, but stopped when you heard him speak.

"Can you feel it?" he asked, staring into your eyes.

"Wha-" you started to say, but stopped. Actually, the longer you kept your hand there, the more you began to realize....you couldn't feel anything.

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