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September 11, 2012
Tuesday, 3:37 PM

(Y/N)'s eyes darted around the room, taking in a head count. Finally the entire student council was here.

"Good everyone is here." She exclaimed, beginning to write out the tasks on the chalk board.

"Okay, the drama club has already submitted what their play is this year. They said that tryouts would start soon."

"We have some new suggestions from the 'suggestions' box."

"Reminder our first official event of the semester is sports day."

"And we should be prepared to start organizing the cheer squad to go to the volleyball preliminaries."

"Also, add the upcoming art contest on to this months newspaper."

"There are also some new club applications, and I have updated a couple of the club members lists."

(Y/N) continued on for a little bit, before splitting up the tasks among the different members. She then sat down with her own work. Unbeknownst to her, two volleyball players were watching from the small window on the door.

"Wow, shes scary." Tendo muttered, but still admiring her.

"Why are we here?" Semi asked.

"Oh, Semi-Semi~" Tendo tsked, shaking his head.

"Satori, stop call-"

"You don't know, do ya?" The red head said, in a taunting manner, interrupting his friend.

"What are you talking about?" Semi asked, still confused. Tendo's smug grin just grew bigger, making Semi even more annoyed," Are we just going to stand out here all day?" Semi complained, crossing his arms.

"No, no, Semi." Tendo exclaimed, grabbing his friends shoulders," Look, I want to set (Y/N) and Ushijima up." he whispered.

"What? Ushijima likes (Y/N)? (Y/N) like Ushijima?" Semi questioned.

"Ushijima said he would date (Y/N)." Tendo replied.

"...like if he was forced to?" Semi asked, not following Tendo's logic.

I can never tell what this guy is thinking.

"When has he ever thought about anything other than volleyball?" He pointed out, his eyes becoming sharper. Semi stared at the red head in disbelief.


"I guess? That still doesn't explain what we're doing here." Semi muttered. They were taking a break from practice today and Semi just wanted to go back to his dorm room.

"Oh, Semi-Semi." Tendo grinned," I was going to put my plan in action. But (Y/N)'s busy." he explained, shrugging.

"You couldn't tell me that first!?"

September 11, 2012
Tuesday, 4:36 PM

(Y/N) sighed, packing up her pens and pencils. The council meeting was finally over, and she just wanted to take a nap. Carefully, she slid the door open, preparing to walk out.


"AGUH" (Y/N) yelped, jumping. Hearing snickering, she already knew who it was before her eyes even landed on her friend.

"...yes, Satori?" (Y/N) sighed. The red head was out of his uniform and had a smug grin.

"Headed back to your dorm?" he asked, making (Y/N) nod her head," I'll walk with you then." he said, grinning.

"You're going to follow me even if I say no, aren't you?" (Y/N) replied.

"Yup~" Tendo grinned," Lets go, (Y/N)-chan." he exclaimed. Before (Y/N) could say anything else, Tendo grabbed her school bag and began walking.

"Hey!" (Y/N) called out, rushing after him," What's up with you?" She asked as she finally caught up to him.

"C'mon, I can't just hangout with my bestest friend?" He whined, (Y/N) just stared at him with a blank expression.

I have to ask her.

"Alright, alright," Tendo chuckled," Are you interested in anyone?" he asked, making (Y/N) go silent. The tension quickly thickened.

"Why are you curious about that?" she questioned," You told me you hate it when I talk about guys." she pointed out.

Yeah, cause, I've liked you all this time.

"Yeah, yeah. Uh, was just wondering." Tendo answered, getting nervous. (Y/N) eyed her friend curiously.

"...wait, do you like someone?" (Y/N) said, nailing the hammer on the head. Tendo's face quickly turned red, making her softly laugh.


"Did you want advice?" she offered, making Tendo's heart beat fast and faster. He was too busy freaking out to notice (Y/N)'s slightly disappointed expression.

"No, no, no, no." Tendo said, shaking his head profusely.

"It's okay, Satori. Having a crush is perfectly normal." she comforted," Look, we can talk about it when you're not as nervous." she laughed.

This was NOT how it was suppose to go.

"No, you just caught me off guard with that question." he muttered, crossing his arms, face still red.

"You know, I can tell when you're lying, right?" she grinned.

"I'm not!" he protested.

"Whatever you say."

"I'm telling the truth."

"Yeah, yeah."

"I am!" Tendo defended.

"I believe you!" (Y/N) exclaimed.

"You don't!" Tendo retorted.

"Well, why are you acting so nervous then?" (Y/N) pointed out.

"You asked an embarrassing question." he muttered.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry." (Y/N) apologized putting her hands up," Alright, I'm going to head up to my dorm now." she said as they arrived the front of the girls dorm rooms.

She held her hand out for her bag back, and Tendo slid it off his shoulder, giving it back to his friend.

"See you later." She said as she waved, heading into the building. Tendo stood there, completely stunned.

He didn't even get the answer to his question.


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