216 10 1

November 3, 2012
Saturday, 4:48 PM

"We should held back. It's getting late" (Y/N) pointed out, showing him the time on her phone.

"Oh, yeah." Tendo replied, trying to hide his disappointment. They had spent all this time together, yet he couldn't find any opportunity to tell her.

Maybe it's not meant to be.

The familiar feeling of bitterness washed over him. He stared at (Y/N), longingly, who was fixing up her outfit.


Screw it.

"Let's go." Tendo exclaimed, grabbing her hand. He began to lead her towards the bus stop, holding on tightly.

(Y/N) didn't say anything, she just stared at Tendo in shock. But she couldn't hide the smile that appeared on her face.

Eventually they reached the bus stop, and the two stood there. Hand in hand, and comfortable silence encompassing the two.

Tendo may have mustered up the courage to reach for her hand, but he could barely look in her direction.

All while, (Y/N) was amused by Tendo's behavior and was enjoying every second of it. She almost pulled her phone out to take a picture.

"So, how will we get Eita there?" (Y/N) asked, breaking the silence.

"Oh-uh, Ohira's going to bring him." Tendo replied, barely glancing at her.

"Mhm," she hummed," Did you have fun today?" She asked, leaning over so that she'd be in his field of vision.

"Yes." Tendo answered, giving her hand a small squeeze.

"That's good." She exclaimed. The sudden noise of an approaching bus stopped their conversation.

(Y/N) let go of his hand to grab her bus card, and Tendo quickly did the same. They quickly boarded and found two seats.

As everyone got situated, the bus began to take off. It was relatively quiet, only the hum of the engine filled their ears.

Tendo glanced over at her hand, contemplating for a moment. He didn't know if it'd be weird if he grabbed it again.

Unbeknownst to him, (Y/N) noticed his glances and took it upon herself to intertwine their hands together.

Before Tendo could say anything else, he felt a weight on his shoulder, which was (Y/N) who resting her head on him.

Everything felt so surreal. This entire day was beyond his imagination. Tendo almost pinched himself, to see if he was dreaming.

This can't be real.

Now he had to tell her how he felt, though it might be stating the obvious at this point. But he should at least ask her out.

Ask her out.

Ask her out...

Tendo did not prepare for this, he was barely prepared to confess his feelings. So many thoughts raced through his head.

But as he thought more about it, he couldn't help but feel a bit excited. Even he couldn't ignore the very obvious signs that (Y/N) was also interested in him.

Unconsciously, he squeezed her hand again. Tendo began to rehearse in his head, trying to plan out what to say.

He couldn't wait.

Every second felt like a minute. God he just wanted to get it off his chest. He wanted to tell her right now.

I'm going crazy.

From The Start (Tendo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now