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October 30, 2012
Tuesday, 4:06 PM

(Y/N) took in a deep breath before peering into Tendo's classroom. Class had just ended and she was hoping to talk to him.

She had finally made up her mind after talking with Ushijima, which was a little odd. But he had faith in her, it made her realize that she couldn't run away from her feelings anymore.

She was going to confess to Tendo.

It didn't matter if he didn't like her back, she was prepared for that. She just needed to get her feelings off of her chest.

Which was easier said than done.

(Y/N) didn't know when she should do it nor how she should. I mean how do you confess to your friend that you've known for 8 years? But currently that was the least of her concerns.

There was a problem.

Tendo had been avoiding her.

After the preliminaries, she had a small inkling that Tendo liked her back. Or at least was interested in her.


Why else would he hug her like that? Why was he blushing too? Was she seeing things? Maybe he was just nervous about the game? Just why was he acting so distance now?

Did I do something wrong?

(Y/N) sighed when she couldn't spot the red head in his classroom. She was about to give up and return to her dorm when she suddenly saw a glimpse of him down the hall.

Quickly she made her way down to where he was and glanced around for any sign of him. Finally she spotted a head of red hair turning the next corner.

Her heartbeat picked up and she followed him. As she turned the corner, she was meet with the doors that lead to the track.

Pushing one open, a cold sharp breeze hit her. Her body immediately tensed up and she crossed her arms, trying to keep warm.

Hearing footsteps to her left, she followed the noise and she finally spotted a familiar figure. He barely glanced at her.

"It's cold, go back inside."

"What's wrong?" (Y/N) immediately asked noticing the dark circles under Tendo's eyes," What happened?" She continued, taking a step closer to him.

(Y/N) was filled with concern and all her anxiety was replaced with worry. Tendo turned to look at her.

"I'm okay, I just haven't been getting much sleep." he explained.

"Oh...is it practice?" she asked.

"Yeah, don't worry it's just practice." Tendo reassured," You should go back inside, you're shivering." He pointed out, before he turned around to walk away.

"Wait!" (Y/N) exclaimed, instinctively grabbing his hand to stop him. Tendo froze and slowly looked at her.

"Uh, wha-what?" He asked, caught off guard.

"Are you free this Saturday?" (Y/N) said, staring at him hopefully. She could feel her heart pounding in her ears.


Tendo stood there in shock, so many thoughts were rushing through his head. She was holding his hand, looking at him with those eyes of hers, he simply couldn't think straight.

He was glad that it was cold or else she would've saw the very obvious blush on his face.

"Soooo, are you free?" (Y/N) asked, nervously.

"I-sorry, yeah, yeah I'm free." Tendo sputtered out nervously.

"Great, we're going to get Eita a birthday present." (Y/N) explained," I'll text you the details later." She continued, letting go of his hand.

"Oh, okay." Tendo said, disappointed that she had let go.

"Yeah, don't be late." (Y/N) quickly said.

"When am I ever-"

"See you later, Satori!" She exclaimed, before rushing towards the door to get back inside.

"...what?" Tendo said softly, watching her figure disappear into the building. As (Y/N) re-entered the building, she couldn't stop smiling.

I do it!

October 30, 2012
Tuesday, 4:39 PM

Tendo opened the door to his dorm and dropped his bag onto the ground. He quickly changed out of his uniform and flopped onto his bed.

As the moment replayed in his head, it finally hit him.

Her words kept ringing in his mind, and his face kept turning darker shades of red. He pulled his hoodie over his head and pulled the strings all the way.

This is just a normal hangout, right?

Tendo remembered the feeling of her hand in his and he began to kick his feet, rolling around, a least as much as he could in the twin bed.

"What are you doing?"

Tendo immediately stopped kicking his feet and he sat up so quickly he almost hit his head on the ceiling.

Through the small opening of his hood, he could see Ushijima who was standing in the doorway, staring at him.

Tendo loosened his hood, pulling it off his head while Ushijima walked further into the dorm room, closing the door.

"(Y/N) asked me to hangout." Tendo said.

"Oh, that's great." Ushijima replied, with all the enthusiasm he could.

"But what does this mean?" Tendo asked, as his anxiety creeped in.

"She wants to hang out with you." Ushijima answered

"Yeah..." Tendo mumbled, disappointed.

"What is it?" Ushijima asked.

"I guess...I just wish it was something more." Tendo muttered, he took in a deep breath," What am I saying? She likes some other guy." he continued, sighing.

"...yes." Ushijima replied.

"I'm so...god." Tendo groaned.

"Yes." Ushijima agreed.

"Wait, what do I wear?" Tendo muttered, getting off his bed and opening the closet that the two shared.

"Do me a favor." Ushijima suddenly exclaimed.

"Hm? What do you need?" Tendo asked, holding up two of his jackets to compare.

"Answer my question." Ushijima requested, making Tendo nod his head," Do you like (Y/N)?" Ushijima questioned.

"Wha-why would you ask that?" Tendo questioned, not concerned about his clothes anymore.

"It's hard to watch you act like this." Ushijima answered, bluntly. Tendo stared at his friend, taken aback by his comment.

"Act like what?" Tendo retorted.

"You like her, but you deny it." Ushijima explained.

"...what's wrong with that?" Tendo sighed, laying back down in defeat. Ushijima stared at his friend before taking a seat in his chair.

"I thought you were better than that."


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