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October 25, 2012
Wednesday, 4:09 PM

As the bus came to a stop, Tendo closed his phone and stuffed it in his pocket. One by one, the team shuffled off of the bus.

"We're going to go to our section now. If you need to use the bathroom, you should do it now." Coach Saito instructed as they filed into the building. Majority of the team continued following their coach.

"I'm going to use the bathroom." He lied to Ushijima before he broke off from the group. Tendo quickly, looked around for the girl, checking his messages.

The Almighty (Y/N): sitting on a bench
Read 3:48 PM

You: im here which bench
Read 4:09 PM

The Almighty (Y/N): left of the 2nd door
Read 3:48 PM

You: omw :D
Read 4:09 PM

The second door?

The color orange suddenly caught his attention. He watched as a guy with a buzz cut, shoved the ginger forward into (Y/N).

Tendo walked through the crowd, and when he finally reached her, the ginger was off chasing his teammate.

"Whatcha doing talking to the opposing team, hm?" he asked, leaning down so he was speaking right into her ear.

"I, um, a ginger guy, he bumped into me," (Y/N) blurted out," His water bottle fell out of his bag-" she rambled.

"I'm  just messing with you." Tendo grinned," You said you needed to give me  something?" he continued, referring to the text she sent.

"Oh yeah." (Y/N) said, snapping out of it," Here." she continued, holding out the small charm she had purchased.

"Oh, thanks." Tendo replied, staring at the charm in his hand. He couldn't help the smile that grew on his face.

Every year, she gave him one, mostly because she couldn't make it to the tournaments. Tendo stared at the small red charm.

This is my last year...so this is the last one.

A wave of disappointment instantly washed over him. Was this it? This was their last year together, was this how he was going to feel every time? They'd talk to each other even after they graduate, right?


"Good luck." She wished, and Tendo just couldn't help but pulled her into a hug. He held her tightly, as if she was going to disappear if he ever let go.

What am I doing?

Panic filled his body and Tendo quickly let go. His heart was racing, and he was praying that he seemed normal to (Y/N).

That was not a friend hug.

"Uh,  I should go now." he stammered, hurrying back to his teams area. On the way there, he let out a sigh.

I must be losing my mind.

October 25, 2012
Wednesday, 5:31 PM

The match had been going on for a while now and (Y/N) was surprised that they were still standing.

The were evenly matched now, and they only had one set left. The whole tournament was like a roller coaster. The nerves and excitement were contagious, (Y/N) couldn't help but get sucked into it.

The loud whistle signaled the beginning of the last set. Goshiki was up to serve first, but Karasuno was able to receive it and score a point. In the second round, Ushijima ended up spiking the ball into the referee table.

Point after point was being scored, and the tension was rising. (Y/N) watched as one of Ushijima's spike's hit number 11's hand the ball flying out of bounds. But the game didn't resume.

The blonde boy was escorted off the court, seemingly injured. Karasuno was now missing one of their core players.

Holy crap.

The game quickly resumed, but it was evident that Ushijima was getting tired. One of his serves even hit the net.

Eventually Shiratorizawa reached double digit points, and Semi was subbed in to serve once again. (Y/N) excitedly watched as his serve immediately scored a point.

"Nice serve!" she yelled, her voice probably getting lost in the rest of the crowd.

It was now down to the final point, the ball flying back and forth between the two sides. (Y/N) watched as all 5 players on Karasuno's side ran up. Number 10 spiked it down and scored a point.

The loud alarm rang out and signaled the end of the game.

It was over.

Shiratorizawa had lost.

They lost?

(Y/N) stared at the score in shock, the loud cheers from the other side snapping her out of her trance.

Around her, she could hear people whispering to each other but she just ignored it. She quickly stood up and rushed over to the railing, only to see her friends with disappointed expressions.

Am I bad luck?


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