137 8 1

September 28, 2012
Friday, 8:39 PM

(Y/N) stared at Tendo, dumbfounded. She was currently stuck in his and Ushijima's dorm room, and it was past curfew already.

"I'm not staying here." she rejected.

"You'll get into trouble if you leave." Tendo pointed out.

"That's if I get caught." she reasoned, weighing her options in her mind.

"Don't risk it." Ushijima advised.

"See, Waka-kun agrees."

"But what if I get caught in here." (Y/N) pointed out," That would be even worse." she muttered.

"You won't, they already did room checks last week." Tendo comforted, she began to fiddle with her fingers.

"We'll sneak you out in the morning. We have morning practice, so no one else will be awake." the red head reassured.

"I...augh, okay." (Y/N) groaned, seeing no better options,"...I'll sleep on the floor." she sighed, staring at the ground.


Tendo and Ushijima both said at the same time, surprising her.

"But you guys both have practice. I'll be back in my room, anyways." (Y/N) said, confused.

"Shes right." Ushijima agreed, switching sides immediately.

"No, I'll sleep on the floor, you take my bed." Tendo exclaimed, starting to feel a bit guilty that he got (Y/N) into this mess.

God, what was I thinking?

"But you guys don't even have extra pillows or blankets." (Y/N) argued.

"Then how were you going to sleep on the floor?" Tendo questioned, laughing a bit, making (Y/N) go silent.

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll just sleep with Wakatoshi." the red head concluded," Is that okay?" he asked turning to his friend.


"Then its decided." Tendo smiled," Would you like for me to show you to your humble abode?" he said, standing up and holding a hand out. (Y/N) couldn't help but smile and grabbed his hand as he lead her a couple feet to the ladder.

"Here you go, ma'am. You can call me or the other butler." the red head gestured to Ushijima.

"I'm not a butler."

"Are you sure, Satori? I really can sleep on the floor." (Y/N) insisted.

"Yes, I'm sure. This is kinda my fault anyways." he said, mumbling the last part. (Y/N) climbed up to the top bunk hesitantly and laid down.

"Do you want some of my manga?" Tendo asked, worried that his friend would be bored. (Y/N) poked her head over the edge and nodded her head.

She's so cute.

Tendo quickly turned his head, trying to made sure nobody saw the red on his face. He grabbed an assortment of books and handed them over. (Y/N) picked them up, admiring the art and skimming through the blurb.

"I'm going to brush my teeth." Ushijima stated, getting up and grabbing his toiletries from the small closet.

"Oh, did you brush your teeth yet?" Tendo asked the girl as the door shut behind Ushijima.

"Yup, you?" (Y/N) replied, nervous she was going to be left in the room alone. Tendo just gave her a nod.

"Wow, you really like romance, huh." (Y/N) teased.

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