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October 22, 2012
Monday, 6:01 PM

(Y/N) stared at the flyer on the bulletin board.

Come cheer for us!

Grab tickets at the student council. Limited tickets available.

The tickets had been selling well, they were almost sold out. The photography club had designed the flyer, and it included a group picture of the team

But she was only looking at Tendo.

Whats wrong with me?

She wanted to get her mind off of Tendo already. If she didn't get over him now, it would be way harder when he got into a relationship.

A relationship.

The sound of footsteps snapped her out of her thoughts. She quickly began walking back to her dorm.

I must look crazy.

"Wait, wait!" a voice called out, making (Y/N) turn around. It was a guy with black hair that was styled into a bowl cut.

"Yes?" she asked.

"Do you know if I can take this flyer?" he replied.

"...you can't take it." (Y/N) answered, confused why he didn't just wait for her to leave. She wouldn't have known.

"Oh." he said, his face falling a bit.

He looks a bit familiar.

"Uh, I think there's extra copies." (Y/N) said, feeling bad," Do you want me to grab one for you?" she offered.

"Could you?!" he exclaimed.

"Yeah, follow me." (Y/N) said, as she began making her way to the photography club's room. He quickly followed her.

"Whats your name?" (Y/N) asked, trying to fill up the silence.

"Oh, Goshiki, Goshiki Tsutomu. I'm a first year." he replied," What about you?" he continued.

"(L/N) (Y/N), third year." she answered, making Goshiki nod his head. The pair quickly arrived at the photography's club room. (Y/N) opened the door, and approached one of the club members, while Goshiki stood outside.

They quickly gave (Y/N) a copy of the flyer, and she left the room. As she glanced at the flyer again, there was a familiar face on it.

Oh, hes that first year that's in the regular rotation.

Exiting the room, she handed the flyer over to Goshiki. His eyes lit up with excitement as he held the paper.

"Thank you so much, (L/N)!" he exclaimed.

"Of course, good luck with your tournament." (Y/N) replied, making him nod earnestly.

"Oh, will you be coming?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm friends with some of your teammates." (Y/N) explained," You're number 8 right?" she asked.

"Yes!" He replied excitedly," Watch me, okay? I'm going to be the next Ace." he boasted confidently.

"I will, I will." (Y/N) smiled.

"Thank you again, (L/N). See you at the tournament!" he said, making (Y/N) wave goodbye as he walked away.

Are first years always this lively?

October 25, 2012
Wednesday, 3:48 PM

(Y/N) stepped into the Sendai gym that the match would be held in. It was packed with people, Shiratorizawa students, a reporter or two, and students from other schools. She had come as quickly as she could, right after classes had ended.

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