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October 25, 2012
Wednesday, 6:39 PM

It was over, Shiratorizawa had lost. The ride back was silent, and their coaches just told them to catch up on some rest. Ushijima and Tendo were already back in their dorm room.

Tendo flipped through the pages of his manga, trying to distract himself. Meanwhile, Ushijima was flipping through his notebook.

"You know I've never seen you like that." Tendo commented.


"You're usually super calm on the court." the red head continued.

"Yeah...I guess I really wanted to win." Ushijima replied.

"Their number 10 really riled you up, huh." Tendo chuckled," Him and that setter, number 9?" he continued.

"Yes, I underestimated them." Ushijima admitted.

"Don't worry, Ushiwaka. This is just a small lost, you're still going to go pro." Tendo exclaimed," When they start making documentaries about you, I'll let them interview me." he said.

"What about you?" Ushijima asked.

"Hm? What about me?"


"Oh, I'm not going to go pro. This was it for me." Tendo answered.

"Oh." Ushijima replied, slightly disappointed.

"Mhm, are you going to miss me?" Tendo teased.

"It'll be weird without you." Ushijima commented.

"Don't worry, I'll be watching you on TV. You can call me anytime, I'll always listen." Tendo reassured, making Ushijima nod his head.

"Oh, Semi-Semi's birthday is coming up." Tendo exclaimed," I think hes going to choose the karaoke place, and I'll have to pay." he grumbled.

"You're the one who made the bet." Ushijima reminded.

"Yeah, but I didn't think that he would win. Maybe second or third." Tendo complained, earning a hum from Ushijima.

"Oh yeah, are you ever going to use that favor I owe you?" the red head asked.

"I will." Ushijima replied.

"Are you saving it for something special?" Tendo chuckled.

"I don't know what to ask for yet." Ushijima explained.

"Well I hope you don't hold onto it forever." Tendo joked.

"I won't." Ushijima replied," I'm going to get some fresh air." he said, suddenly standing up and grabbing his hoodie. He didn't wait for Tendo to respond, he just left his dorm room and began walking out to the track.

Run, that's all he wanted to do. It always helped him clear his mind, as he exited the dorm building, the security guard nodded at him.

"Don't stay out too late." he said, making Ushijima nod his head and zipped up his hoodie. As he walked out onto the track, he spotted a figure walking along the track as well.

"Oh, Ushijima." (Y/N) said as she made eye contact with him.

"Hello." He greeted.

"Going on a run?" She asked, earning a nod from him.

"Well, don't mind me, you can go ahead." She exclaimed," Unless you want the track to yourself. I've been out here long enough." She said, muttering the last part.

"No, it's okay." Ushijima replied, and before (Y/N) could say anything else, he took off. She stepped to the side and sat down on the bleachers.

(Y/N) watched as Ushijima ran lap after lap after lap, almost like the sheep that you'd count to fall asleep.

Ushijima could feel his legs getting heavier and heavier, the longer he ran. But he kept running, he just kept running.

"How do you even have energy?" (Y/N) mumbled, which finally brought him to a stop. He stared at the girl who was sitting on the bleachers.

"I don't." he replied, breathing heavily.

"...do you want to sit?" she asked, gesturing to the seat next to her.

"No, I need to walk it off." he answered as he began to walk.

"Okay, I'll join you." she said, standing up quickly. She picked up her pace and caught up to Ushijima.

"Why are you out here?" he suddenly asked.

"To think." she answered," What about you?" she said, returning the question. Ushijima glanced over at (Y/N), pondering for a second,

"To not think." he finally said,"...what are you thinking about?" he continued, wanting a distraction.

"Uh," (Y/N) paused, debating whether or not she should tell the truth.

"Satori?" Ushijima guessed.

"I-how'd you know?" she questioned, eyeing him suspiciously.

"I guessed." he exclaimed.

"And I just gave it away." she sighed, making Ushijima nod his head. (Y/N) took in a deep breath," Do you still want to hear about it?" she asked.

"Yeah." he replied.

"Okay, well, you can't tell Satori about this either." she warned.

"Again?" he said.

"Yeah, but this one especially." she emphasized,"...I like Satori." she confessed. Ushijima glanced over at her.

"Oh, so he's the guy then." he concluded, stating the obvious.

"Yeah, I'm just not sure what to do about it." she explained.

"You'll figure it out." he assured, normally (Y/N) would be ticked off by this answer. But coming from Ushijima, he genuinely meant it, he had faith in her.

"I will." she replied," Do you want to talk about why you're out here?" she asked, already having some idea why he was out here.

"Just wanted to clear my head, and I did." he explained and (Y/N) just nodded her head in response. They continued to walk the track, but in silence. The cold autumn breeze turning their noses and ears red.

I guess I should use that favor.


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