99 4 0

November 3, 2012
Saturday, 11:42 AM

"I thought you were better than that."

It had been a couple days and Ushijima's words were still ringing in his head. The two haven't talked much since that day.

Currently, Tendo was alone in their dorm room and he was getting dressed to meet (Y/N). But he just couldn't concentrate.

What does Wakatoshi know?

He let out a huff, running his hands through his hair. Tendo knew that Ushijima had his best interest at heart.

It was just not that simple. Tendo was not about to risk losing his best friend. If he confessed, everything would be awkward.

He straightened out his jacket, brushing off the nonexistent dust. As Tendo, thought more and more about it, his anxiety grew as well.

I just want to keep her in my life.

Tendo couldn't fathom (Y/N) and him not being friends. They had known each other for the majority of their lives.

And he kept his feelings buried for majority of it too. Tendo clenched his fists. You'd think he'd get over her by now.

Why am I thinking about this?

They were just hanging out today, just as friends, just as it always was. Nothing had changed, they have done this a million times.

It's just (Y/N)...just the girl you've liked since forever.

He checked his hair one last time in the small mirror. Again, he readjusted his clothes a bit before taking in a deep breath.

"I thought you were better than that."

Ushijima words rang once more in Tendo's head. He stared at his reflection for a moment, he could feel his heart pounding.


Tendo let out an annoyed huff, before grabbing all his stuff and leaving the dorm. Deep down, he knew Ushijima was right.

I have to tell her.

Bystanders looked at him concerned, as he ran down the hallway. Quickly he reach the first floor, zooming past the entrance, before he finally reached the block the bus stop was on.

There he spotted a familiar figure waiting. (Y/N) stood there, seemingly kicking random pebbles around.

"Who are you waiting for?" Tendo called out, as he walked towards her.

"Just some guy." (Y/N) replied.

"Oh really?" Tendo asked tilting his head.

"Yeah." (Y/N) brushed off.

"Didn't you ask some guy to help you get a present?" Tendo questioned.

"I did." (Y/N) replied confidently," Why, should I have not?" She teased.

"Wait no-no, yes." Tendo stumbled over his words,"...you should've." He said, regaining his composure.

"Good, don't make me regret this." (Y/N) joked, laughing. But all her comment did was make Tendo freeze up.

God, what if I ruin this by telling her?

"Satori?" (Y/N) asked, waving her hand in front of his face.

"Oh, sorry." Tendo apologized.

"You're okay, right?" She asked, looking at him to confirm. The last time they had talked, Tendo seemed pretty tired.

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