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October 13, 2012
Saturday 3:09 PM

Preparations for the upcoming volleyball preliminaries were coming up, and everything was falling into place. The cheer squad was ready and everyone had learn the chants.

"Will you be inviting anyone special to watch you play?"
"My best friend, of course."

(Y/N) paused as she remembered Tendo's words, the tournament would be after school. This was their last year here.

Should I go?

It'd be bad if I didn't go right?

God what if he invites the girl he likes to go?

It was like an angel was on one shoulder while a devil was on the other. The first two years she was always too busy studying to attend.

What if I have to met her?

(Y/N) took in a deep breath, not even wanting to imagine that type of scenario. What did she look like? Was it someone in her class? His class?

"Oh, (Y/N)."

Looking up, (Y/N) saw Semi standing in front of her, holding a couple books. (Y/N) gave him a smile. Semi quickly took the empty seat next to her.

"Hey." (Y/N) greeted.

"What are you working on?" Semi asked, eyeing the papers in front of her.

"Oh, uh, math." She replied, remembering what she was doing in the library in the first place.

"Really? Could you help me then?" Semi said, staring at her with hopeful eyes.

"Yeah, of course." (Y/N) laughed as Semi let out a sigh of relief.

"Coach Washijo has been killing us at practice." Semi explained. He opened up the workbook, and (Y/N) glanced over the questions. She pushed her paper towards him, so he could see her work.

She began going over the different steps, using her pencil as a pointer. Looking up occasionally, (Y/N) watched as Semi's expression change from slightly confused to even more confused.

"Do you get it?" (Y/N) asked.

"No." Semi sighed.

"You seem tired." she commented, noticing the bags under his eyes," You should get some rest before you study." she pointed out.

"You're right." he said, slumping his shoulders and laying his head down on the table.

"Must be stressful." (Y/N) mumbled, continuing to do her work. Semi turned his head so he was facing (Y/N).

"I'm both physically and mentally exhausted." he groaned, making (Y/N) laugh.

I'm so glad I'm not an athlete.

"Just take us to nationals, no pressure." she joked, patting his back.

"...I'm not even a regular anymore." he muttered, his expression falling a bit.

"Hey, I'll still be cheering for you." she said with no hesitation," Even if you're just standing there the whole game." she continued, earning a small chuckle from Semi.

"I'll look for you in the crowd then." Semi replied.

I guess I'm going.

October 15, 2012
Monday 6:46 PM

(Y/N) sighed in frustration as she watched her drink get stuck in the vending machine. She hit the machine, hoping it would 'unstuck' itself.

Are you serious?

She hit the machine again, this time a bit harder.

I paid tuition for this?

The next thing you know, (Y/N) began shaking the machine. She was trying to not damage the machine, but her frustration was building up.

Stupid machine, why can't we afford better ones huh? Where does all the funding-

"Stop. You'll hurt yourself."

Hearing a familiar voice, she sighed and stopped herself.

"My drink is stuck." (Y/N) muttered, glancing over at Ushijima. He had a towel around his neck and his hair was wet.

"Oh." he replied, walking over to her and staring at the drink that was stuck.

"Yeah." (Y/N) grumbled," Its fine." she shrugged as she began to walk away from the machine. But before she could make it past Ushijima, he stopped her.

"Wait." Ushijima said, calmly. (Y/N) watched as Ushijima walked over to the vending machine and put coins into it.

She could hear it dispensing another drink and a couple of thuds. A small smile appeared on Ushijima's face as he crouched down, pulling out two different drinks. He made his way over to (Y/N), handing her the drink she had paid for.

"Thank you." (Y/N) said, slightly embarrassed,"...I'm going to go now." she continued, giving him a thumbs up before walking away.

Did I just give him a thumbs-

"Do you like me?"

(Y/N) stopped walking immediately, and turned around in disbelief. Ushijima was staring at her with a serious expression

"...what?" (Y/N) said, her voice barely audible.

"Do you like me?" Ushijima repeated.

"Like as in I have a crush on you?" (Y/N) asked, extremely caught off guard.

"Yes." Ushijima simply stated.

"No, no, I like you as my friend." (Y/N) replied.

"Okay." he accepted.

"Why did you ask?" (Y/N) questioned, confused," Oh my-do you like me?" she continued panicked.

No way-

"No." Ushijima answered, and (Y/N) let out a sigh of relief.

This could've been really awkward.

"Satori made it seem like you liked me." Ushijima explained," He kept asking me to ask you to attend the preliminaries." he continued, opening his drink.

"Oh, I guess he really wanted me to attend." (Y/N) mumbled, while Ushijima just took a sip from his drink.

"Will you be coming then?"


"That's good."


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