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October 9, 2012
Tuesday 12:13 PM

"Good job, (L/N)!" her classmate congratulated. After the three legged race, it was lunch time and everyone was allowed to roam.

"Well, it wasn't a very clean win." (Y/N) laughed, gesturing to the dirt she got onto her shirt from falling.

"Yeah, congrats, prez." a voice exclaimed from behind her. (Y/N) turned around and saw Tendo along with Ushijima and Ohira.

"Good job you guys." Ohira smiled, as they all sat down next to (Y/N) and Semi.

"So whats this about, Satori taking us out for karaoke?" (Y/N) asked, still confused about what Semi said earlier at the end of the race.

"He and I bet that if I won, he'd take us out, his treat." Semi explained, with a smug grin. Tendo just let out a big sighed in response.

"Ooo, are you going to pay for us too?" Ohira asked, looking at the red head.

"Woah, woah, woah, I'm only paying for the room. None of the drinks or snacks." Tendo quickly established.

"Wait, if you had to win, why did you partner up with me?" (Y/N) questioned, she was most definitely not the best choice among her classmates.

"Oh, Tendo said I had to win with you as a partner." Semi added, making (Y/N)'s eyes widen. She didn't know whether she should be offended or not.

"I thought it'd be funny." Tendo chimed in," And it was." he snickered.

"Won't be funny, when we choose the biggest karaoke room." Semi retorted.

"C'mon Semi-Semi. You wouldn't do that to me." Tendo said, batting his eyelashes at the setter. Semi frowned in disgust.

"Lets choose the most expensive karaoke place, (Y/N)." Semi exclaimed, looking at his friend who nodded her head.

"Of course, only the best for us." (Y/N) agreed.

"But (Y/N), I'm your bestestest friend." Tendo complained dramatically.

"And your bestestest friend wants an amazing karaoke experience." She retorted.

"You guys suck."

"You're the one who asked me to do the bet."

October 9, 2012
Tuesday 12:57 PM

Tendo took in a deep breath as he approached the start of the track. People from all different classes were lined up next to him.

I have to win.

He needed to get that favor from Ushijima. He was sure that the favor would help him in his plan.

"Satori." Ushijima greeted, as he took the spot next to him. Their classes were right next to each other, so it made sense he was placed next to him.

"Wakatoshi, fancy meeting you here." Tendo joked. The loud of noise of the whistle, made all the competitors turn their heads.

"Alright everyone! The next event, the 100 meter dash, will begin shortly. Lets give our competitors some encouragement."

Various cheers filled their ears, none of it was understood. But Tendo glanced around, and found (Y/N) at her classes tent along with Semi. She and Semi seemed to be cheering as well, but Tendo couldn't make out their words of encouragement.

But as he made eye contact with (Y/N), she smiled and gave him two thumbs ups. He couldn't help but smile back.

What a dork.

"Everyone please take your positions."

All the competitors stopped and shifted around, getting ready to run. Tendo took in another deep breath, anxiety creeping into his body.

Coach Washijo makes us run all the time, I'll be fine.

"Get ready, set, go!"

With the loud whistle, everyone took off. Ushijima quickly took the lead, much to Tendo's dismay. But he kept his pace, trying not to fall behind,

It's just like training.

Tendo quickly ran as fast as he could, passing the third and second participants. He was trying his best to keep up with his captain.

Panic began to fill Tendo when he saw that the gap between him and Ushijima was just getting bigger and bigger. The red head tried to speed up, but it was to no avail.

The loud noise if the whistle filled his ears as he watched Ushijima cross the finish line. Cheers erupted from the tents as participants finished the race.


Tendo has crossed right after Ushijima, taking second place. He took in deep breaths trying to calm his heart down, Ushijima turned to look at him, with his hand held out.

"Good job." Ushijima complimented.

"Thanks, you too." Tendo panted," I guess I owe you a favor now." He sighed.

"Yes. I'll keep it in mind."

Why is everything not going the way I want it to?


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