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October 3, 2012
Wednesday 3:50 PM

Everyone in the student council room chatted excitedly as they were preparing for the upcoming Sports Day. (Y/N) was looking at the flyer Konan had showed her.

"This is great." (Y/N) commented, smiling at the 2nd-year.

"Oh, good!" Konan replied," I'll go make copies right away." she continued, running off to the printer. (Y/N) laughed a little, before picking up another piece of paper. The classes had already submitted who would be participating in each event.

Hopefully things were going to smoothly as they wanted it to. Sports Day was in a week, so things were picking up much quicker than (Y/N) anticipated. It seemed like everyone was pretty hyped.

(Y/N) even got roped into participating for one of the special events, the three-legged race by none other than Semi.

"Alright, who's going to be in the three-legged race with Semi?"

"(L/N) will!" Semi exclaimed, grabbing the girl's wrist and holding it up.

She sighed as she remembered her teacher writing her name on the chalkboard. She was looking forward to a more laid-back sports day. (Y/N) was already responsible for organizing the whole thing, why did she have to participate?

Skimming through the lists she had for students that'd be participating in special events, she wasn't surprised to find that almost all of her friends on volleyball team were signed up.

So glad I'm competing against them.

Everyone was dead set on winning this year, because the prize was going to be ice cream for the entire winning class for each year. The different games were split up between the different years as well.

Except for the individual games, they were mixed, but they only had a limited amount of spots. Each game would earn points for your class and they would be tallied up at the end.

(Y/N) wasn't going to lie.

She wanted the ice cream as well.

But her class would probably lose to class 3-3, who had, not only, Ushijima but also Yamagata, two regulars on the volleyball team. So unless you were an athlete yourself, there was probably no chance. The only way, (Y/N) could beat them both was in a game of wits.

Unfortunately, it was sports day and not trivia night.

October 3, 2012
Wednesday 8:01 PM

"Sports day, huh." Tendo muttered. Him and Ushijima were in their dorm together. Tendo as per usual was rambling, while Ushijima just listened.

"Are you doing any special events?" Tendo asked," Your classmates probably tried to put you in every one, huh." he said, making Ushijima nod his head.

"100 meter dash and relay." Ushijima replied.

"So two out of three events for the third years?" Tendo pointed out," Remember to leave some prizes for the rest of us, Waka-kun." Tendo laughed.

"There are more than two prizes." Ushijima pointed out, confused.

"Yeah, yeah." Tendo shrugged off," Y'know, Semi and I made a bet." he revealed, making his captain look up from his work book.

"Semi got (Y/N) to do the three-legged race with him." the red head snickered," If they don't get first place, I get his notes for free for 2 weeks." he exclaimed.

"What if they do?" his captain asked.

"C'mon, Ushiwaka! You should be on my side." Tendo complained," If I they win, I have to treat them the next time we go karaoking." he explained.

"Semi runs pretty fast." Ushijima pointed out.

"Yeah, but its a three-legged race." Tendo argued.

"I'm sure (Y/N) can run." Ushijima said, giving her the benefit of the doubt.

"Can she keep up with Semi, though?" Tendo countered, making Ushijima shrug.

"Are you signed up for any events?" his captain asked.

"Yeah, the 100 meter dash too." Tendo groaned, he wasn't excited to run. Compared to his teammates, he didn't have much stamina.

"We'll be competing then." Ushijima exclaimed.

"Yup." Tendo replied popping the 'p'. He stared at his workbook, not paying attention to any of the problems he actually had to do.

I should make a plan b.

"Hey, do you want to make a bet, Wakatoshi?" Tendo asked.

"A bet?"

"Yeah, is there anything you really want?"

"Not really."

"Okay, um." Tendo paused to think," If you win the 100 meter-dash, I have to a favor for you and vice versa." he continued.

"Okay." Ushijima shrugged, not sure what he would even ask Tendo to do for him. Tendo held out his hand and they shook on it.

"Pleasure doing business with you."


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