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September 27, 2012
Thursday, 3:29 PM

"Okay, so to boost school spirit. I wanted to do an issue on the volleyball team for next months newspaper." Konan, the newspaper club's President, explained. She had called for a private meeting between her and (Y/N) to discuss a certain problem that had come up.

"As you know the preliminaries are coming up and it would be a great way to hype everyone up." she continued, making (Y/N) nod her head.

"The only problem is, I couldn't get the coach to agree." Konan sighed," He keeps saying that I'd distract his players." she continued.

Of course.

"That's why I suggested that I'll only interview a couple and he let me. These are the specific members I choose." Konan said, handing over her a list.

1. Tsutomu Goshiki - 1st year, Wing Spiker
2. Kenjiro Shirabu - 2nd year, Setter
3. Satori Tendo - 3rd year, Middle Blocker
4. Hayato Yamagata - 3rd year, Libero
5. Wakatoshi Ushijima - 3rd year, Captain

"I thought they were interesting players." Konan explained," Plus they're all in the regular rotation." she pointed out. (Y/N) noticed some of them were crossed out, which raised her curiosity.

"I was going to finish them, but they refused to talk to me." she pointed at two of the names listed.

Satori Tendo and Wakatoshi Ushijima.

"I don't know what to do." Konan sighed.

"Its okay." (Y/N) paused," Did they tell you why?" she asked, making Konan stare at her with a unsure expression.

"Um, when I went up to Tendo, he said that he and Ushijima wouldn't be interviewed unless it was....by you." she recalled.

Is he serious?

"...okay, Konan, thank you. I'll take over from here." (Y/N) said, taking the papers Konan was using for the interviews.

"Thank you so much, (L/N)." Konan beamed.

"Don't worry, Konan, I'll get this back to you soon." (Y/N) promised, making Konan nod her head. They quickly wrapped up their private meeting before Konan rushed off, leaving (Y/N) reviewing the papers she got.

What is he up to?

September 28, 2012
Friday, 7:56 PM

Tendo patted his hair dry with the towel he hung around his neck as he entered his dorm room. Checking his phone, a smile appeared on his face. (Y/N) had sent him a series of annoyed text messages that he found amusing. Nobody else knew but Tendo had a mission.

Operation: Finally Set up Wakatoshi and (Y/N)

They were his two best friends, and he couldn't think of a better match. The captain of the volleyball team and the student council president.

They'd be a power couple.

They just needed to spend more time together, really get to know each other. A bitter feeling washed over Tendo.

They belong together.

So he had to make a plan. He knew that Konan would run to (Y/N) for help, he even told her that he and Ushijima wouldn't do the interview unless (Y/N) was doing it, for good measure. Obviously, Ushijima was kept in the dark. Tendo couldn't have him ruining his science experiment.

As if on cue, just as Tendo was about to reply to her messages, there was a knock on the door. The red head opened the door and there (Y/N) was, in her pajamas and with a clipboard in hand.

"What are you doing here?" Tendo asked confused.

This is the boys dorm.

"Hm? (Y/N)?" Ushijima asked, also confused.

"Shhh! Look I want to get this done as soon as possible." She whispered, taking a step into their room. She had her hood up over her head.

"Get what done?" Ushijina asked.

"I don't know, why don't you ask, Satori?" (Y/N) retorted, making Tendo grin while Ushijima was still confused.

"Wakatoshi-kun, (Y/N) is going to interview us for Octobers newspaper issue." Tendo beamed.

"Oh, okay." Ushijima quickly agreed," I have to finish my work first, though." he said as he turned back to a worksheet.

"I guess I'll go first then." Tendo offered," Cmon, prez, know you want to get this over with as soon as possible." he smiled, earning an annoyed look from the girl.

"What are you up to?" (Y/N) asked," You know, I have other things to do." she pointed out.

"This isn't anything." Tendo protested," Plus, I would've requested you to do the interview anyways." he continued, shrugging.

"You're so-"

"Amazing, I know?"

"...I'm just going to start."

"What position do you play and is there a special reason you play it?"
"I'm a middle blocker, I just like the rush of shutting an opponent down."

"Are you looking forward to anything during the preliminaries?"
"Crushing my opponents' spirits."

"What motivates you to do well?"
"Coach Washijo's threats."

"You're known for guessing where the ball is going to go, could you explain your thought process behind this technique?"
"Mhm, some people are just really easy to read and you can get into their heads. Its funny."

"Does anyone inspire you?"
"My friends."

"Anything outside of volleyball that interests you?"
"I like reading Shonen Jump."

"Will you be inviting anyone special to watch you play?"
"My best friend, of course."


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