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October 9, 2012
Tuesday 6:37 AM

(Y/N) groaned as she pulled the cart of supplies towards the tents they had set up. Today was the big day, and she was finishing up some last minute details.  She wanted the other members, especially the younger ones, to get a good nights rest so they could enjoy the event to the fullest.

Of course, some of them protested and came to help, anyways, as they set up some of the tents. After, (Y/N) brought the cart over with all the batons and cones, she went to move some chairs over. The class would each have their own tent area, it just needed to be set up.

Yesterday evening, they had finalized how the different races would look like and set up the first one, which would be the 100 meter dash. (Y/N) grabbed a stack of chairs, before trying to walk back to the tents. As she was walking, she was so tired she didn't hear the footsteps behind her, getting closer.

She passed the chairs to another one of the members, who was opening them up and setting it up in rows. They thanked (Y/N) before glancing over at something behind her.


(Y/N) turned around and her eyes met Ushijimas. He was wearing a hoodie and running shorts, they both silently stared at each other for a couple of seconds.

"(Y/N)." He greeted.

"...Wakatoshi." (Y/N) finally spoke, her lack of sleep was finally getting to her. Like a zombie, she sluggishly began to walk back to grab more chairs and Ushijima just silently followed her. She took another stack of chairs and like before she walked back over to the tents. Ushijima followed along and also took a stack of chairs.

This cycle went on for a while, before there were no more chairs left. She began to unfold them, but she was stopped by their adviser, who ushered the volunteers to returned back to their dorms.

(Y/N) just walked back towards Ushijima, who had been patiently waiting on the field. Reaching her limit, (Y/N) plopped down onto the ground.

"Did you need something?" she mumbled, laying completely flat on the grass. The ground was so cold and refreshing.

"I wanted to talk to you." He replied, taking a seat on the ground next to her.

"Go ahead."

"Satori's acting weird." Ushijima spoke.

"Yeah, uh, he has something going on." (Y/N) replied.

"Could you tell me what it is?" he asked, making (Y/N) look at him unsure. Tendo was very close with Ushijima.

"If I tell you, you can't tell him I told you." she warned, making Ushijima nod his head," Satori likes some girl." she revealed.



"Do you know who?" Ushijima asked.

"No, he's too embarrassed to admit it." (Y/N) said, letting out a small laugh.

"He seemed sad." Ushijima explained.

Is it one sided?

"Oh." She exclaimed, surprise," Is he acting strange?" She asked.

"I don't know." Ushijima answered.

"Maybe he needs some time alone." She suggested," If he's still sad, we can check in on him." She reasoned.

"Okay." Ushijima agreed.

I hope he's okay." (Y/N) worried.

"Me too."

October 9, 2012
Tuesday 11:36 AM

"You ready, (Y/N)?" Semi asked, as he tied their legs together. The three-legged race was going to start, and all the participants were lined up together.

"Yeah, lets win." (Y/N) replied, making Semi smile. Sure, she got dragged into this, but she'll be damned before she lost.

"That's the spirit." Semi smirked, putting his arm over her shoulder and she did the same. The referee looked around, making sure that everyone was ready.

"3, 2, 1, GO!"

The loud noise of the whistle, caused everyone to rush forward. A couple of pairs falling over already at the beginning. Cheers erupted from the tents.

"Semi-Semi, fall over~"

Meanwhile, (Y/N) was freaking out, her brain trying to keep track of which leg to put forward. Her and Semi were doing relatively well for only practicing a couple times over the weekend. They weren't in first place though, but right behind them.

Left, right, left, right, left, right.

Nearing the finish line, (Y/N) quickly glanced over at the pair that was in front of them. But she was quickly meet with a face full of grass as she and Semi lost their groove.

The loud whistle noise, signaling the end of the race rang through everyone's ears. (Y/N) picked her head up and looked around, trying to see who won. Semi also looked up and a big smile erupted on his face.

They fell right over the finish line.

"WOOOOOO!" Semi cheered as they got up, he held up his hands, waiting for a high five," WE WON!" He shouted. Semi grabbed (Y/N) shoulders shaking her in excitement.

"(Y/N), we're going karaoking! Tendo's treat!"


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