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September 14, 2012
Friday, 3:49 PM

Cleaning duty, huh. You'd think I'd get exempt from this.

(Y/N) opened the locker that was at the back of her classroom. Semi was supposed to do this with her, but he had an excuse from his coach.

She pulled out the cleaning supplies and placed it on a random desk. Quickly, she began sweeping, collecting leftover eraser shavings, and scrap pieces of paper. Everyone else had gone to their various club activities or back to their dorms.

"Are you interested in anyone?"

(Y/N) sweeping slowed down as she remembered her conversation with Tendo. The feeling of dread began to fill her body.

Tendo likes someone.

She tried to be supportive of him, trying to offer him advice. That's probably what he was looking for.

Advice from a girl.

He likes someone.

The confusing part was that he kept trying to deny it. Tendo was probably going to ask under the guise of "for my friend".

Why would he be embarrassed? I've seen him at his worst.

She brought the dust pan over to the trash, and dumped it. (Y/N) then grabbed the disinfecting wipes for the desks.

But I like him.

She scrubbed harder, trying to suppress her thoughts. They had been friends for so long, and she didn't want to ruin it.

I need to stop thinking about this. Clean, I just need to clean right now.

(Y/N) quickly grabbed the bucket, walking over to the bathroom. She needed to wipe the chalkboard. Turning on the sink, she watched as the water slowly filled up, she stare at her reflection.

He's my friend, and I'm his.

I'm just his friend.

Carefully, she held the bucket, walking back towards her classroom. (Y/N) was halfway there when a younger student stopped her.

"Ah, um, are you (L/N)-san?" she spoke.

"Yes." (Y/N) replied, stopping.

"My name is Sakura." she bowed, making (Y/N) smile.

"Nice to meet you, Sakura." (Y/N) replied.

"Um, do you know if Ushijima-san is seeing anyone?" they asked sheepishly, a slight pink tint washing over their face. (Y/N) glanced over at their hand, and sure enough the younger student was holding a letter.

"Uh, I was asking because, I heard you know each other...and asking a girl would be less embarrassing." she mumbled.

"Oh, uh, he's not seeing anyone." (Y/N) finally answered, making their eyes light up.

"Oh, really?" they exclaimed excitedly," Thank you so much, (L/N)!" they bowed, before quickly rushing off. (Y/N) stood there, holding the bucket, unsure of what she was feeling in that moment.

I wish I could do that.

(Y/N)'s chest felt heavy, almost like her heart sunk all the way to her stomach. The feeling of her arms getting sore snapped her back to reality. She made it back to her classroom and began to soak the sponge in the water to wipe the chalkboard.

But hearing the tapping of shoes, made her turn to the windows that faced the hallway. It was the younger girl again. She was nervously walking down the hall, and the letter was gone from her hands.

I wish I was as brave as her.

September 15, 2012
Saturday, 1:06 PM

(Y/N) stared blankly at her textbook. She couldn't concentrate, there was only one thing on her mind.

(Y/N)'s grip on her pencil tightened, which made her even more frustrated. Why did she care so much? She shouldn't be caring at all.

What's the point of being jealous? It won't change anything.


She had kept her feelings buried ever since they were first years. So why were they all resurfacing out now?

It wasn't like she was going to confess to him. He already liked someone else, it'd be a lose lose situation.

He was her best friend, she didn't want to ruin it all. (Y/N) began to lose herself in her thoughts, memories of when they meet as kids resurfaced.

"You can't be in our group!" one kid yelled at the red head. Tendo's figure shrunk back and he glanced around.

Everyone else was already in a group, and there was an empty table in the corner. Shamefully, he walked over and sat down, tears brimming in his eyes.

Suddenly he heard the noise of a chair pulling out. He looked up and his eyes landed on (Y/N), who placed papers and crayons down.

"You, draw the cat." she firmly said, sliding the paper over.

A smile grew on (Y/N)'s face remembering how they first met. Their classmates thought Tendo was too creepy and thought (Y/N) was too bossy.

They bickered quite often, but they stuck with each other through out the rest of elementary school and even ended up going to the same middle and high school.

"Are you stalking me or something, (Y/N)?"

(Y/N) sighed, and stared at her math homework. She hadn't completed a single question in the time she had been in the library.

I need to stop thinking about him.


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