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September 29, 2012
Saturday, 6:30 AM

The loud shrill noise of the alarm filled the dorm room. Ushijima slowly sat up, and turned it off, quickly noticing Tendo wasn't sleeping next to him.

Standing up, he noticed two lumps in the top bunk. Tendo had his arm around (Y/N) and he was sound asleep, while (Y/N) was slightly stirring.

Ushijima reached his hand up and slightly nudged the red head.

"Satori." he called out, which finally made Tendo stir and (Y/N) wake up. She peaked over Tendo's body, completely out of it.

"Hm?" she hummed, still half asleep.

Why is Ushijima here?

"Wake him up." Ushijima said as he left to go brush his teeth.


She laid there for a second, before her eyes landed on Tendo. She could feel her face heating up as she recalled last nights events.

Was I okay?

"5 more minutes." Tendo grumbled, holding onto (Y/N) tighter. Somehow his arms had snaked under the blanket and was wrapped around her waist.

"Come on, Satori. You have practice." (Y/N) said frantically. Hearing her voice, startled Tendo awake. He was expecting Ushijima.

"Crap," Tendo cursed, memories of the previous night returning to him," Okay, I'm going to get ready. You should get your stuff." he exclaimed, his voice a bit raspy.

(Y/N) nodded her head, but her heart was rapidly beating. She barely processed Tendo's instructions. They both got off the top bunk (Y/N), grabbing her papers from Tendo's desk.

Tendo ran his hands through his hair, and went to the closet. Stuffing various things into his duffel bag.

"Could you turn around?" Tendo asked, as he held some clothes. (Y/N)'s eyes widened and she quickly headed for the door, pulling her hood over her head as she stepped outside.

I'm going to die of a heart attack today.

"Ya know, I didn't ask you to leave. What if someone saw you out here?" Tendo exclaimed as he walked out.

"It's early, you said no one would be out here." (Y/N) retorted.

"Mhm, I'm going to brush my teeth. Stay put." Tendo replied, patting her head.

After a few minutes, the two volleyball players were finally ready. The morning security was usually tired, so hopefully they wouldn't notice (Y/N).

As they quickly approached the exit, they all tried to act as natural as possible. Not going too fast or too slow.

Finally they exited the building, and (Y/N) could relax. At last, she could go back to her dorm room.

"Bye, (Y/N). Get some rest." Ushijima said.

"Wanna do this again sometime?" Tendo joked, making (Y/N) furiously shake her head.

"Practice." Ushijima reminded.

"Yes, captain. See you later, (Y/N)."

September 29, 2012
Saturday, 11:38 AM

Ushijima patted his hair with a towel, he had just finished showering after practice. Meanwhile, Tendo climbed up onto his bed to lay down.

It smells like her.

The sudden thought, made him short circuit. Practice gave him something else to think about, but now they were back in their room.

"You slept with (Y/N)?" Ushijima suddenly asked, making Tendos face turn red.

"Don't say it like that!" Tendo groaned, burying his face into his pillow.

"Okay." he replied," Why did you...fall asleep in the same bed as her?" he said, rewording the question.

My plan was ruined.

"I couldn't sleep, uh, you kept moving." Tendo explained.

"Oh, sorry." Ushijima apologized.

"Its okay, not your fault." Tendo reassured, he turned to his side and looked at his friend," Hey, Ushiwaka." Tendo called out, Ushijima just hummed in response as he was trying to get his hair to dry.

"Did you finish my Shonen Jump yet?" he asked.

"No." Ushijima replied, glancing over at the manga that was still on his desk. Tendo just nodded his head.

"Oh, oh, oh, have you seen The Ring?" Tendo excitedly asked, earning the same response from his captain," It was super scary, but the actress was really cute." he explained.

"We should watch it with everyone else, it'll be funny." Tendo smiled," Maybe after the preliminaries." he suggested.

"We'll have to practice for Nationals." Ushijima corrected.

"Mhm, confident as usual." his roommate laughed," Are you going to invite, (Y/N)?" he asked.

"I thought I did." Ushijima replied.

"Whatttt? During the interview?"


"Uh, that wasn't really asking."


"You should try again."

"But why don't you do it?"

"She likes you more, Ushiwaka."

"She does?"

"Yeah, plus this is our last year on the team."

"I guess so." Ushijima shrugged, seemingly not very interested. Tendo turned to lay on his back, staring at the ceiling.

How do I get them together?


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